Chapter 10

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Class ended and Marinette quickly ran out the classroom. She didn't want to answer anyone's questions. She just wanted to go home to have some nice lunch away from others.

As she was leaving she heard someone call her. She ignored it at first but when they called again she turned around. It was Adrien. Oh no. He's going to tell me we're not friends anymore! Why would he even want to be friends with a slut anyways?

Adrien walked up to her and saw her worried face. He recognised that face. She was overthinking. It's the same expression he would make. "Are you ok? You shouldn't listen to any of the things Chloe said. You're not any of those things."

Marinette felt her heart skip a beat and her face getting red.

I'm falling for Chat and now you come back into my heart. Why am I cursed?

"Y-yeah, i-im fine..." she replied quietly. "Why don't you and I go eat? I don't want you to be alone." He smiled at her. "O-oh um sure I guess... I was going to go eat at the bakery but we can go somewhere else..." "No it's fine."

They made their way to the bakery. He greeted her parents and they let them eat upstairs in the kitchen. Marinette's parents smiled and winked at her. Her face turned red and she groaned. Adrien turned to her confused and she just smiled awkwardly at him.

They made their way upstairs and sat on the island table. They were sitting on opposite sides, facing each other. They were both quietly eating the lunch Marinette's mom had made. It was Adrien who broke the silence.

"You didn't actually... sleep with Chat Noir, right?" He already knew the answer to that but he wanted to hear what she would say. She froze, surprised at his question.

"N-no, of c-course not. I-i don't think I'm even r-ready for such thing."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I-i... I d-don't know..."

"Well you can't let the class believe you did something you didn't actually do," he frowned. She just looked down in response. "I-i just freaked out... I d-didn't know w-what to say..."

"I'll tell them for you then," he smiled. She quickly looked up at him with wide eyes. "Really?" "Of course, we're friends and I don't want to see you being attacked for something you didn't do." Also cause I am the one responsible for doing that to you.

She smiled at his kind words. He felt his heart skip a beat. How can someone be so cute?

"I'll talk to the class. Don't worry about it."

They both finished eating their lunch and headed back to the classroom. When they got back, the teacher was already there. No one had a chance to bother her for the rest of the day. When class ended, she left immediately. She didn't wait for Alya nor Adrien. She just wanted to leave.

She got home and sat down on her desk. She groaned, "Tikki what am I going to do? Everyone in class thinks I slept with Chat! Chloe thinks I slept with Chat! That stupid cat! I shouldn't have let him even touch me!"

"Marinette calm down, everything will be alright. You just need to relax and think. It's better if you work on homework. Keep your mind off of things," the Kwami said, patting her head. Marinette sighed and nodded. She tried her best to finish her homework.

Time went on painfully slow and it was eventually time for patrol. She transformed and looked in the mirror. She sighed in relief when she saw the suit hid everything.

She made her way to their usual meeting spot. Chat Noir was already sitting there. He was sitting on the edge, dangling his legs. "Hey Kitty," she said, sitting next to him. "Oh, hey," he said, not looking at her. "I'm sorry for not telling you about Abby. It was all just to quick. I didn't know how to react."

"I actually believed it was her, I'm such an idiot."

"Hey it's fi-"

"No it's not!" He turned around and looked at her. She flinched at his yelling. "I have said so many times that I love you, but I failed to realize she wasn't you.

"I hurt you. I made you upset. How can that be ok?"

She stared at him speechless. He shook his head and looked down. "I already patrolled the whole city, I needed to get some air. You can go home now. I need to go do something."

"Chat wait please. Let's talk."


"I don't want our partnership to be ruined over something like that. Look, everything happened fast. You didn't have time to process anything. I didn't either. I wasn't sure if I should've said something or not. I was torn. We didn't have any time to do anything. So please, stop worrying. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was just so stressed. Please, let's just get past, this. She left and it's clear to the public that I haven't revealed myself yet. You are my friend and my partner. I need you more than you think."

The only reason she was saying this was due to his visits. Had that not happened, she would've been furious. But since he did, she didn't want to have had her relationship with Chat ruined on one side. If she'd ever reveal herself, he'd leave Marinette too.

Her words made him feel better. He smiled, "Alright bugaboo." She smiled. "What's it that you have to do?"

He got up and stretched, "Don't worry about it." He looked at her and winked. She laughed, "You dumb cat." He waved with 2 fingers and ran off. She looked at him with a smile. Her smile faded when she saw the direction he was heading. Shit. She immediately got up and swung herself over to her house as fast as possible.

She got there and destransformed as she heard a knock on her window. She went over and opened the window. "Hey prince-" He was cut off by Marinette pulling him inside. "Chat!"

"Ow! What was that for? What did I do?"

She was looking down at him with an angry look. She was blushing and that made her look like less of a threat. He chuckled slightly. "Stop laughing you stupid cat!"

He got up and looked at her, "What's wrong princess?" She glared at him and pulled her hair back, showing him the hickey. "This! This happened! Do you have any idea how much embarrassment that caused me? My class thinks I slept with you!"

"Princess calm dow-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! I am so angry right now! I would've died on the spot had Adrien not stepped him. I honestly wish he hadn't stepped in!" She was starting to ramble but she didn't care. She was too upset. "Why not?"

"Because I'm falling for you, you idiot! I always looked forward to your visits but I never thought anything of it until you kissed me! We've only kissed twice but it made me lean more towards you! And just when I thought maybe, just maybe, I could have a happy relationship and move on from the boy that never noticed me, he comes back into my heart! He says nice things to me and confuses me again!"

By the end of her rambling she was in tears. It was all too much for her heart. "Princess-"

"Please just leave Chat," she mumbled. He didn't leave. He walked to her and hugged her. She melted into his arms and cried into his chest. He held her close and comforted her. He never wanted to cause her this much pain.

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