The Sina Clan: Ivan Braginsky

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"Natalya!" I called from above. "Belarus!"

"Yes, brother?" my little sister called from above.

"Get me pipe from the third floor!"

"Then can I be one with you?" Belarus asked.


The Sina clan. The most elite ghoul organization within Wall Rose. This is us.

My sisters, Natalya and Katyusha.

Tino Väinämöinen, our totally not straight undercover agent

Petra Rall, also undercover out in the Survey Corps

Renji Yomo

and about ten other ghouls.

Renji was never at the hide out. Katyusha was always hidden away in her office. Tino and Petra came by every so often, but they had their own lives too.

I swallowed another chunk of human flesh as Natalya came running down the steps with my pipe."Thank you Natalya"I said as I hit the pole against my hand.

"Be one with me brother!" Natalya smiled.

"NATALYA WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT DATING YOUR BROTHER?" Katyusha came down the stairs, her breast jiggling (oh god that sounded so wrong but but for y'all who watch Hetalia, you should get it) "I said you can't date your brother!"

"I want to be one with him" Natalya complained.

"Ivan, will you go get us more bodies?" Katyusha asked me.

"Ja" I put on my scarf and walked out the door.

Sina isn't super populated. It's like the royal family. And us. And we don't exactly live within the wall.

I grabbed a horse and raced to the edge of Wall Rose. If I were lucky, that was as far as I would need to go. Today was one of those days, where there were bodies just laying on the ground for us to take. So I took them. 

I was thinking about Natalya and her thing for incest when thunder crashed overhead. What was that? I thought.

A loud crash echoed from the direction of our hideout. I made it back about an hour later. The hideout entrance had caved in, and Natalya and Tino were digging from the outside.

"What happened here?" I asked as I stepped off the horse.

"The royal family... they came and blew it up" Natalya said through tears. "The others... they're still in there somewhere. 

"That only means we need to build a new entrance, da" I said as I crouched next to her.

I don't hate my sister. I really don't. She's just scary. As hell.

I smiled. "Estonia!" I called up into the sky.


When you have no motivation because of the heat and writer's block

I honestly don't know if the chapter's will get any longer

Question of the chapter: Which spelling~ Natalia or Natalya~ do you use?

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