Female Titan: Jean Kirchstien

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Armin, Reiner, Yao and I were on horse back. Our mission? To get to Eren's stupid basement. And to not get killed.

I don't think it worked for other people.

We were all riding toward the forest, and an abnormal had to show up. It was an attractive abnormal, but still a titan. Armin yelled "Guys! Abnormal behind us!" Reiner and Yao went left, Armin and I went right. 

"Slow the titan down, don't kill it" Reiner shouted. "Put your hoods up. Maybe she won't kill you if she doesn't know who you are"

Before I knew it, the titan's foot came down and sent Armin and me flying through the air. 

Yao swiftly got off his horse and helped me up. Armin lay on the grass, looking up at the titan, his eyes as big as dinner plates. The titan simply lifted his hood, then took off running in the opposite direction.

"What the hell?" Reiner looked disapprovingly at the titan.

"Guys, where is it going?" Armin asked.

"The forest" I replied.

"What if it's going after Eren?" Armin wondered.

I started "What if it is? It seems like it's heading toward the titan forest-"

"Where Eren's supposed to be!" Armin shot back. He started to stand up, but fell back down to his knees. "Is it spinning for any of you guys?" He felt the back of his head and winced.

"Armin stay still" Reiner pulled him up off the ground. "Yao, pass the bandages" Yao threw Reiner the roll of bandages. I whistled for our spooked horses. Reiner and Yao's horses came back right away. The other two were a-wall.

"Can we all move?" I asked once Armin's head was bandaged. Yao nodded.

"Reiner, you take Armin. I'll ride with Jean" Yao said. "Come now, aru" 

"Where to?" Reiner asked.

"Let's go to the titan forest" Armin said. "That was where the female titan seemed to be heading"

"Let's go!" We climbed onto the horses and rode toward the forest.


Touka POV

I ran until my legs gave out. I sat in a dark alley, curled up in a ball. Where was I? I didn't even know where I had run off too. 

Something creaked. "Hello?" I called out into the dark.

"Katyusha, is that you?" A male voice echoed through the alley.

"No" I answered. Who the hell was this guy? I wondered.

"Touka?" Yomo and a tall man with a scarf stepped out of the shadows. "What are you doing here?"

"I ran away" I replied. "The CCG found me"

"Well come with us!" the man said. "I'm Ivan Braginsky, current leader of the Sina clan"

"Touka Kirishima" I said. "Nice to meet you, Ivan"

"We're looking for Katyusha right now" Ivan said. "She has short blonde hair, like a boy cut. And she likes wearing overalls"

"Alright, I'll help you"


I absolutely suck at being Touka

Question of the chapter: Who in Levi-squad (Petra, Kureo, Eld, Gunther) do you think will die?

So I'm starting to plan out book 2. If you have title ideas, comment them down below.

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