Hug (Park Jinwoo / JinJin - Astro)

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Relationship ( So Far ;] ) :

You guys are friends, nothing super close but are getting closer.

Scenario :

You have been working with Astro for the cover art and promotional art for their upcoming album, one day you finally get to meet the members so they can tell you about the project, and JinJin left an impression on you. Today you go in to talk to them again and present the final piece.

(I was gonna include hyung in when you addressed him but idk it felt too koreaboo-y)

~Park Jin Woo / Jin Jin x Reader~


>Your PoV<

"And lastly, Jinwoo," I said, giving him the final piece that would be used for their album, "For you I tried making your portrait strong but sweet, you are a courageous leader who protects the members and cares for the fans; you work hard yet have a natural cuteness to you."

I presented the portrait to him, it followed the vibrant color theme but showed strong features along with soft blending and a subtle smile that would hopefully succeed in making the fans melt.

The members stood around and admired the last piece longer than the rest, it truly felt like an accomplishment and a job well done.

After the presentation was done, Jinwoo personally walked over to me and bowed suddenly, flustering me until I bowed back.

"Thank you for the artwork, it really meant so much to the group and if I know our Aroha's will love it," he said, an earnest smile drawn on his face, making it so difficult not to reach over and pet his head- he was too cute to handle.

"It really was no problem, I loved working with all of you and sincerely hope there is a good reception," I said, "This is one of the greatest experiences I've had so far, I was especially shocked with how dedicated and earnest you are."

His cute smile only grew, making my chest clench- he truly was too much, "I'm glad, if our group or any other need artwork done we will be sure to contact you," he beamed, "Also, if it is not too much trouble, may I have your phone number," he said, much more timid than before, resulting in an utterly shocked and frozen me, "You see, I am not too good with editing and art programs but I want to make our Aroha's special gifts," he said, before blushing, even more so a surprise, "Not that I am only using you for that, I would also like to have you as a friend."

"It's no problem Jinwoo, and of course, I would be very happy to help and be your friend, you seem like a lovely person," I said, accidentally getting close to flirting with him, this isn't after hours you have to suppress the gay.

He smiled and nodded, his ears as red as ever, yet he quickly took out his phone and exchanged contact information with me.


Jinwoo invited me to the movies a few days ago since his schedule has freed up since the last time we talked - which has been a few times, but we text one another as well - and I can't help but feel a puff in my chest as well as some warmness.

Of course, I am glad he asked me, but in my own way, it feels like a date- false hope on my part since I fell for possibly the straightest I've met for a while.

Even so, I have decided to call this a friendship, which I greatly appreciate, ignoring the fact that I want more.

That sounds a bit much to say I want him to be mine...

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