Keep Staring

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I go through the rest of the work day sneaking glances at the glorious Jake. As soon as his shift is over I find myself bored and less animated when dealing with the customers. "Lex, the hardware supervisor is cutting hours, so Jake is being moved to our department. You're training him tomorrow morning," Kris yells as I walk back to the break room to clock out.

Great. Judging from today's events, it's almost like I'm supposed to die from embarrassment by the end of the week.


Waking up early has never been my thing, but after a good night's sleep, I feel ready to take on the day. At 8 am sharp, I walk through the doors of Home & Hardware excited to be around Jake for the whole morning.

"Good morning!" I say to a few coworkers as I clock in. "Anyone seen Jake?"

"He's out in the garden center with Kris," says Drew, another cashier.

As I walk outside to help out with Jake's training, I can't help but think of scenarios that end in Jake and I kissing by the end of our shift. "Hey Jake, I'm ready to start your training whenever you're done talking with Kris," I say, returning to reality.

"That'd be now. Thanks for volunteering to help me," he says unenthusiastically. He's probably tired.

As I show Jake the ropes of being a cashier, I notice him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I ignore it in fear of revisiting the awkward scene from yesterday. "Alright, any questions?" I ask as I'm putting cash into the register. I look up to see Jake running his hands through his hair. Oh god why is he doing this to me?

"You're staring again, Lex," Jake laughs.

"What? Oh, um sorry... again?" I say, embarrassed. Kill me now.

"It's cool... keep staring," he says with a smile.

I stand speechless for a few seconds before turning around to refill the receipt printer, avoiding Jake's eyes the whole time. "Lex!" I hear a voice yell. Of course, it's Christa again.

"Hey!" I wave and run over to her. I fill her in on Jakes situation and how I've been training him.

"So you two seem to be getting along well," Christa states.

"I guess," I hesitate. "He caught me staring at him earlier. I just can't handle men that are that beautiful. Hopefully work doesn't get any more awkward..."

"Uh, yeah," Christa says dryly. "I'll see you later."

As she walks away, Jake approaches me from the other direction. "Lex, it's almost time to clock out, want to walk out with me?"

"Yes! Give me a second to shut my register down, I'll meet you outside," I say.

After collecting myself in the bathroom and preparing some common conversation topics, I clock out and walk toward the door. I can feel Christa's eyes following me from her register. What's with her today?

I walk toward Jake, he smiles when he sees me. "Hey! Do you have a ride home?" He asks. I shake my head. "Come on," he waves me toward him. We walk down the parking lot to an old, red Mustang. "It's got a brand new engine," he says, grinning. We get inside, and he drives away from the store. We ride in silence mostly, with me giving periodic directions to my house.

After a while, Jake turns to me at a red light and asks, "What are you doing this weekend? Christa asked me to go to a movie Saturday night, and I'd really like you to come too. You're friends right?"

Christa asked him out? When did she find the time? Why does he want me to come? This is obviously supposed to be a date!

"Yes, we're friends, but I don't think it would be appropriate if I were to—" I began.

"I don't like her, Lex, just help me keep the peace at work a little longer," he says.

"Okay," I answer. I guess I'm about to be kind of a third wheel, but not really? If anything, this will destroy the peace at work...

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