Present Day

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The show ends and the boys leave the stage. I consider going back to the bar to get a bottle for everyone to share, but decide not to because I don't feel like dealing with drunk Josh again. When I get to the bus, Jake, Josh, and Danny are inside throwing a small ball around. "Lex! We're playing hot potato! But with this ball and not a potato!" Josh yells at me as I walk in. 

"Nice!" I say uninterested. All three of them are laughing uncontrollably and I can pretty much guess that they've had a drink or two since they got off the stage. "Where's Sammy?" I ask.

"He's behind the bus probably kissing that girl--whats her name again?" Danny asks.

"Aubrie!" yells Jake. I look at him for a second and run back out the door. Quietly, I walk to the end of the bus until I can hear two voices flirtatiously speaking about birthday cake.

"I love your shirt, did I tell you that? I saw Candlebox last year with my brothers." That's Sam, and he must be talking to that girl from the audience.

"You didn't tell me that! They're great," the girl says. That voice sounds too familiar. I get a little closer to the edge of the bus and look around the corner. Surprisingly enough, it's Aubrie! My old childhood friend, Aubrie! "Too bad they aren't touring right now. I wish we could go see them for your birthday tomorrow," she says, grabbing Sam's hand. At that, I turn back to the safe side of the bus and run my hand through my hair. How did I forget Sam's birthday? And why am I always listening in on people's conversations? I only end up stressing myself out.

After a minute of feeling bad about forgetting about my kind-of-friend's birthday,  I walk back into the bus, grab Jake's hand, and take him back to the "bedroom." "Jake!" I say, "Sam's little girlfriend is my childhood friend, Aubrie!"

Jake shrugs, "great maybe you two can be best friends again and Sam can kill his attitude for the rest of this tour."

"Jakey, this is serious..." I say as I look down at the floor. He puts his hand on my chin and forces me to look up at him. "She's the one my ex cheated with..."

Jake says nothing for a while, but walks over to his bed and sits on the side. 

I sit next to him. "I miss her friendship, and I have forgiven her, but...this is weird," I say. Jake just nods in agreement. I'm not sure how to feel right now, but I'm acknowledging her presence, and right after the blow-out with Christa, that's about all I can do for now.

At that moment, the bus door opens and in walks Sam and his new girl. "Hey Sammy! Three minutes until your 20th birthday! How ya feelin'?" asks a more sober Joshua. 

"I'm feelin' fine, brother. Guys, this is Aubrie," Sam says, smiling. Jake and I leave our little conversation in the room and go out to join the others. 

"Lex? Wow, I had no idea it was you!" Aubrie says looking back at Sam and giving him a nudge. "It's so nice to see you! I thought Sam was talking about some other chick named Lex, but--," I cut her off. 

"Yeah, it's great to see you too! I'm going to bed. Are you staying the night too? Have fun!" I say feverishly. Everyone looks confused, but  I walk to the bathroom to change my clothes. Unfortunately, I realize I've left my water bottle on the table behind the driver's seat. I have to go back out there. "Hi! I'm back! I forgot my water bottle, so I'll just go get it and be gone again! Bye Aubrie! Nice seeing you, goodnight everyone!" This time, I power-shuffle all the way back to the bedroom, and Jake follows quickly. Before he closes the curtain, I look back to see Aubrie looking just as sad as I did when I was telling Jake what she had done a few years ago. I almost tried to feel bad, but still, all I can really do is acknowledge that she's here now, and it's awkward.

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