Lex & Candy

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After all the thank yous and hugs, the boys, the small crowd that gathered around us, and I file back inside the venue. We're happy to be able to catch the end of the opening band's set. The opening band is Tourist Trap, the best local band around, and I'm finding enjoyment watching Jake's head bob up and down to their song "Waco." He squeezes my hand as the song ends and kisses my cheek before leaving to go set up for Greta's set.


After the show, I grab two beers for the twins and some Cokes for Danny and Sam and head backstage. Sam greets me first, "Lex! What'd ya think of the show?" he asks.

"Perfect, as always," I say, handing him a Coke. "Where's Jake?"

"Of course you want to see him. Well he's in his dressing room, the trailer thing out back," he says before quietly walking away.

Ok bye to you too. What's with the attitude? I ask myself. I don't need Sam acting all weird right after this whole thing with Christa. I walk out the back door and to the little trailer with Jake's name on the door. It swings open just as I lift my hand to knock.

"Hey gorgeous," Jake stands in the doorway flirtatiously, with one arm blocking the entrance and his body leaning against the frame.

I give him a look. "I see someone's feeling good after that electric performance. Can I come in?"

"Please do," he says. He steps to the side and follows me to the back of the room to sit on the couch.

I give him one of the beers. "I bought these other drinks for Josh and Danny but I haven't seen them," I say. "I guess I'm drinking the other beer." As I crack the bottle open, I can't help but notice the sweat still covering Jake's face and neck. His hair still sticks to his forehead. "Are you still hot? Take your jacket off!" I tell him.

Jake cocks his head to the side and smiles. "You're just trying to get me naked."

"So what if I am?" I inch closer to him and he turns his head to mine. As I start to lean in, I move my hand up to his chest. Jake's following my lead and closes his eyes, patiently waiting to feel my lips on his. But of course, I'm that girl so I continue with my intended action; I move my hand up a little more and push his jacket right off his shoulder.

"Teasing counts as bullying," Jake says, getting up and rolling his eyes in fake irritation.

"At least you're not hot anymore! Are you frustrated?" I ask in a teasing voice.

"You already know the answer to that," he says. He throws his jacket at me and runs out the door.

Sorry this chapter was so short! I'm not too sure where to go from this point in the story, but I'll figure it out soon!

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