Down to the Earth

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As I walk into my room to change into my pajamas, I think about the events of the night. Does Jake actually like me? What does he have to show me tomorrow? Right before I let myself drift off to sleep, I can't help but think more about Jake. His ability to just go with the flow amazes me. He can sense that this whole thing with Christa is bothering me, but he doesn't seem worried about it. It seems like we're developing a decent friendship, but I can't tell exactly how he feels about me. I guess I don't really care right now though; I just want to spend more time with him.


I turn over to look at my phone and realize I've slept until 2pm. Great, not running any errands today. I'm in the kitchen pouring a bowl of cereal when my phone buzzes. It's Jake. 'Can I come get you a little earlier? Wear something comfortable, I'm taking you to this cool park I found the other day.'

I answer telling Jake to come whenever. Is this a date? If so, I should put a little more effort into my outfit today. I hop in the shower, then throw on some shorts and a bright yellow peasant top. Just as I'm finishing my makeup, he pulls up.

"Good afternoon!" I say running out to meet him.

"You look great, Lex," Jake smiles at me. He hugs me then opens the passenger car door.

"Oh, how gentlemanly, sir Jake," I say with a fake surprised look.

"Well this is a date, right?" I guess so.


After walking with Jake through the park for a few minutes, talking about music, our favorite guitars, and the foods we can't stand, Jake grabs my hand and asks me to stop for a moment. "What's up?" I ask.

He pauses and looks up at the trees before looking back at me. "Lex, I'm really glad I met you. I know we haven't hung out much, but I haven't spent this much time with one girl in a minute." My heart starts beating fast and, of course, I'm not sure what to say so I just stand there grinning like an idiot. Sensing my discomfort, Jake drops my hand and starts walking again. "I just wanted to say I'm glad we're friends."

"Oh, yeah. Me too," I say. I'm a little disappointed, but I guess my body language gave the wrong vibe. I look down, unsure what else to do or say to make the situation less awkward.

"You're also super adorable," Jake adds.

"You mean awkward!" I laugh.

"Nope, I meant adorable. Or cute. Either one."

"You're confusing," I answer. At this point I am sure he's just making fun of me.

"Oh I confuse you?" He asks. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. "Come here." He pulls me to him and kisses me. Not fully on my lips, but not fully on my cheek either. Thanks for confusing me even more.

"Lex! You're staring again."

"Sorry! That was just... I wasn't expecting—" he kisses me again, this time fully on my lips. This kiss was longer than the last one but it felt so quick. In that short moment, I felt like I was at the top of the world. Probably the same rush Jake feels when he's performing.

"So cute," Jake says again.

Do I even like him like that or is this just lust? I guess I should try to find out.

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