You're the One

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I follow Jake to see him stopped outside of his trailer talking to Josh. The twins haven't seen me yet because they're slightly far away, but I can hear Josh's vocals from a mile away. "Jake, Lex is a good girl, don't thank me for saying that stuff to Christa to get her out of there. I like having Lex around," he says to his brother.

"I do too," Jake begins. He scratches his head like he is about to share some weird news. "I was thinking about asking her to stay with us for a couple stops on the tour so we can start this second chance off right... What do you think about that?"

"Go for it, man!" Josh yells, grabbing Jake's shoulder. I walk closer, hoping to hear more of the conversation when I accidentally let go of the door earlier than intended, slamming it. "Here's your chance!" Josh says, pointing to me and quickly walking away.

Jake turns around and walks toward me. "Hey bully, how much of that did you hear?"

"Oh not much, I heard Josh and wanted to come say hello again, but I guess he's got other plans." I'm not sure why I'm lying, I'm actually really excited for Jake to ask me on the tour. But when was he planning on telling me about it? I'll need time to find someone to cover my shifts at Home & Hardware.

"Well, I want to know how you're feeling about all this--us. I know everything with Christa was crazy. Now that it's settled down maybe we should talk again," Jake says, grabbing my hands. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. "There's not much to talk about. I'm ready for us to start over, I like you Jakey."

Jake blushes, "Don't call me that, Lex." I push him gently and walk back to his trailer, motioning for him to follow.


Jake and I are looking through a copy of Rolling Stone when we hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it, it's probably Josh again," Jake says as he gets up. 

"Cool, I'm going to go look for a blanket in the closet," I say as I walk to the back of the tiny trailer.

Just as Jake unlatches the door, Sam bursts into the room, "Josh told me about your plan. Don't you think it's a little selfish of you to ask Lex to go on tour? You must know I still feel a certain way about her!" He says loudly.

"Sam! Shhh! She's here! She might've heard you!" Jake says as he runs to his little brother. "And she's my girl man, you're gonna have to get over her at some point." I'm hanging around the closet, just to see how this plays out before I interrupt.

Sam rolls his eyes and says, "I know! But you should have waited. How am I going to get over her when she's going to be sleeping right across the bus from me?" Jake is getting upset.

Jake's voice lowers to a whisper. "You're just going to have to watch yourself, Sam. I haven't even asked her yet, so cool it. Please." Sam walks out the door, also slamming it just like I did. I leave my hiding place and walk to Jake.

"I would love to go on tour with you. I'm sure Sam will get over it!" I say excitedly. I know this is probably a bad idea, but I've always wanted to be part of a tour, and if both Jake and Josh want me there, then why not? Maybe Sam won't be too much of a problem, it's not like we ever really dated, right? I think to myself. Jake suddenly interrupts my thoughts and picks me up and walks me over to the couch. 

"You don't know how happy and relieved I am," he laughs. "I was so nervous to ask you. I didn't know if you would think it's too soon for this. It just feels right to me." Jake bent down to give me a kiss.

"I'd love to spend time with you on the road! I just need to clear the dates with my manager, will you text me the dates so I don't forget?" I ask.

Jake nods and kisses me some more. "There's going to be lots of time for this on the tour bus," he says with a malicious smile. Jake moves his hands up my shirt and tries to kiss my neck, but I nudge him off slowly.

"Maybe we should wait until the tour for that then!" I say nervously. Why am I nervous? It's not like I've never kissed a man before.

Jake nods and sits down on the couch. "Lex, let me know if I'm ever going too fast for you. I'm cool with slowing things down, I'm just impatient and I really, really like you." I push his hair back more to see his adorable face.

"I really, really like you too. And I definitely want to do whatever's in your mind... I just don't want to ruin anything again by complicating it," I say, bitting my lip nervously. 

Jake takes my hand and kisses it. "I understand. I'm cool with waiting for it," he winks at me and I laugh. "Come on, let's go back outside and drink with Josh. I'll race you back to the bar." We both run out the door and back into the venue. I win the race, which means Jake buys the beer for the rest of the night. 

"So Lex! You coming on tour or what?" Josh asks, putting his arm over my shoulders once we sit down. He's pretty drunk. I nod and look over to find Sam angrily sipping the Sprite he ordered. "GREAT! You'll have fun! I promise you that," Josh yells in my ear. 

"Great!" I say. Sam walks away, making his anger quite clear to all three of us. Jake looks at Josh seeming to ask what their brother's problem is, though he already knows.

"Oh yeah, he's probably mad because he can't find his favorite brother, Danny," Josh chuckles at his own joke. "We'll see him later. Maybe. On the tour! Yeah!" he adds, almost leaning off of his chair. 

"Bro, you're cut off," Jake smiles, "Let's go to bed." Jake helps his twin brother up and back to his trailer.

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