Chapter Two: The Infamous Killua Zoldyck

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I sneak out every night to get a breath of fresh air. Every time I leave the house, I don't bother being quiet about it. My family already knows.

Sometimes I have the sick feeling that the only reason they don't stop me is because they're hoping one day I don't come back.

Well, I live to disappoint.

My two favorite places to unwind are the skatepark and the actual park. Today I decide on the latter. It's a full moon tonight, a sky full of stars above my head.

On my way to the park, I stop when I hear groaning and grunting and loud cursing. The noise comes from a dark alley. One that I just passed. I hide behind a brick wall but lean in to eavesdrop.

"Hey, Simon." A male voice says warily. "I think he's had enough."

The familiar sound of kicking a body enters my ears. "Shut up!" Simon snaps. "This little piece of shit needs to learn his fucking lesson!"

"If you keep hitting him he won't live to learn anything!" His friend is frantic now. "Stop it, Simon!"

I take a step forward, planning to full on confront them when a hand cups my mouth. My first instinct is to scream, but that would be futile considering my situation.

"Are you crazy?" A sharp voice whisper-yells.

Turning to look at my assaulter, my eyes widen at the contrast between how I imagined him in my head versus how he actually looks like in front of me.

He has white hair, silver looking under the moonlight's gaze. His eyes are a royal blue, so deep and intense. And the shape of them is slanted, slightly curved like a cat. Actually, most of him resembles a feline.

His brows are pitched together, and he suddenly looks uncomfortable in front of me, as if he's wondering what he is doing.

"C'mon," Simon's says. "We're leaving."

Footsteps come closer to us and Killua lets go of me. Then, as if I weigh nothing more than a feather, he lifts me in his arms bridal style.

I barely have enough time to chain my arms around his neck (feeling very violated), before he whispers Godspeed.

I don't realize that's the start of my journey. The start of a new chapter in my life. But it is. It always was.

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