Chapter Eleven: My Brother

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The belt dragged behind grampa like a lazy tail

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The belt dragged behind grampa like a lazy tail. Except, it was much more sinister than that. I could tell he was looking for me, his steps making the wooden floor of the house creak.

I was hiding outside, knowing full well that it was stupid to evade him. Grampa always searched all of the house. It wouldn't be long before he found me here.

Then he would get more mad.

My ears perked up at the sound of the back door flinging open. A figure descended from the steps, coming closer.

"It's okay," my brother's soothing voice made me relax out of my tense position. "It's just me, Dax. Your brother."

The nine-year-old boy crouched down beside me, a smile on his face. We were hidden behind a tree.

"Who's chasing you down this time, little sis?" Dax reached out slowly, as if I was a frightened cat. He patted my head, then full on messed up my hair.

"Grampa." I whispered.

"The old geezer, huh?" His green eyes darkened. "Adults really piss me off."

"Hmm?" I looked up at him. "Did you say something?"

Before he could reply, the door opened again, this time with more force. "Y/N dear, I know you're here somewhere. Come out, will you?"

Suddenly, grampa appeared in front of us, holding a gun. Everything happened so fast- Dax stood up, covering me from view, the click of a gun sounded, and when I peeked from behind my brother I saw the barrel of a loaded gun pressed against his forehead.

Yet, Dax did not move away. He wasn't shaking in fear. In fact, his chest was puffed up and his hands were balled into fists.

"Move, son." Grampa's voice was low and lethal.

My brother did no such thing. "Shoot me," he said. "Let's see if you can, old man. Be a man-" he took a brave step toward grampa and I gasped, gripping his shorts. "-isn't that what you always told me? Do it. You can't."

I remember them staring each other down for a few seconds before grampa put down his weapon.

That was the first time I saw my brother cry.

~End of flashback~

In the end, we decided that visiting my brother was the best option. On our way down the street, Killua got a call. He nodded a few times, ending it with, "Okay. Thanks, Gotoh."

"What was that all about?" Riyu tilted her head. She was holding hands with Riye, who stopped abruptly. His light blue eyes locked on something ahead.

When I followed his gaze, I saw it. A shiny, long black car was parked comfortably on the side of the road.

It was obviously Killua's, judging by his proud expression as he clicked open the driver's side door.

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