Chapter Six: Firefly And Waterfall

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Normal P.O.V.

It's been fifteen minutes since Y/N went entered the house, and Killua is starting to get nervous as more time ticks by.

He's hiding behind a bush, peaking every now and then. The lights are on but the curtains are pulled over, so he can't see what's happening inside.

Should I just follow after her? He thinks. Should I leave? But his thoughts are disturbed at the sound of a loud honk. His head whips to the side of the road, finding a long, blue truck stationed there.

His eyes widen, mind working fast to keep up. There's no logo on the vehicle, the only distinguishable feature on it would be the painting of an open mouth with its tongue sticking out.

Not long after, the door to Y/N's house opens and a curvy woman steps out. Her face resembles that of Y/N's. She must be the mother.

Following behind is an older man with white hair. Killua sees Y/N unconscious on his back, the ex-assassin's hands balling into fists.

Lastly, the woman that must be his wife trails behind him, shutting the door and locking it, a bounce to her step. She was chubby, with vibrant, red glasses.

Mother, grampa, and grandma. In that order.

Killua saw the back door to the truck slide open, the family going inside. As it backed away, the chocolate lover felt the anticipation building up in his chest.

Then, once the truck came close enough, he slapped his palm to the ground. Electricity surged from there and traveled at a great speed to the vehicle's tires, flattening them in an instant.

The truck stopped.

The sliding door opened again, and Y/N's mother stepped out. "What's going on?"

At that moment, Killua walked toward the scene, his bangs casting a shadow over his face.

"You will leave Y/N alone because next time—" his eyes were deadly, threatening in an predatory way. He made sure his voice was loud, so that the message turned out clear. "—it won't be the tires I hit."

With that, he proceeded to take Y/N from her grandfather's arms, who was too dumbstruck to do anything about it. As he passed Y/N's mother for the last time, he noticed her face was grave— paler than before. Like a ghost.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of wheels screeching and low murmurs. My eyes feel stiff as I force them open.

A thin blanket covers the lower half of my body, and I groan, raising myself on my elbows. As my vision adjusts, I realize that I'm inside moving train.

"That's TWICE now that I save you," a familiar voice says. Killua is sitting at the edge of the train, overlooking a rocky landscape. He turns over his shoulder to wiggle his eyebrows, a grin on his face. "How will you make it up to me, Firefly?"

"Firefly?" I ask.

His expression changes to puppy with a wagging tail, hands clasped, "Isn't it a cute nickname? What will you call me?"

I think about this for a few seconds. "I know!" I exclaim, sitting next to him, my feet dangling. "Waterfall."

He blinks, "Why?"

"Because it's the opposite of mine."

We stare into each other's eyes before bursting out into laughter. I don't know what happened while I was asleep. And quite frankly, I don't care.

All that matters now is that I've found a lifeboat after fighting to stay on the surface for so long.

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