Chapter Twelve: Last Days With You (Pt. 1)

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I ran into the open arms of my brother, who held me tightly against his chest. His heart was racing so hard I could feel its faint pounds vibrating in my ears.

"It's good to see you, sis." Dax murmured against my hair. "How have you been, huh?"

I looked up at his familiar forest green eyes, then back at my newly founded group of friends.

They were huddled together, awkwardly pretending to take great interest in anything but us. "I've been great," I replied. "Even better now that you're here."

Dax chuckled, looking over my head. "Are you going to introduce me?"

"I'm Riyu and this is-" The red-haired girl was interrupted by her twin, who stepped forward, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"-Riye. My name's Riye Gibson."

"Nice to meet you." My brother smiled, tilting his head. This made Riye's blush darken, his gaze drifting to the floor in embarrassment.

Dax turned his attention to Killua, whose expression was unreadable. "And who might you be?"

The ex-assassin snapped back to reality, "Killua Zoldyck. One of Firef-" he reconsidered. "I mean Y/N's, friends."

"Hmm... " Dax touched his chin, narrowing his eyes at the chocolate lover. "Are you sure you're really just friends?"

Killua's eyes widened and I quickly stepped in, pressing a hand to my brother's chest. "Yes, just friends. Now calm your ass."

"Hey!" Dax grabbed my nose, forcing me to look at him. "When did you grow up?"

Before I could answer, he shook his head and said, "Nevermind. C'mon, let's go inside."

We followed trailed behind him each of us thinking about something different in silence. The manor was more spacious inside, a spiraling staircase located to the side. We walked on a shiny white tile floor, so clear you could see your reflection. Most of the building was white, except for a few giant paintings on the walls.

My brother, I forgot to mention, was an artist. He was famous now, that's why he was so rich.

Dax showed led us to our rooms, which were upstairs. Mine was across from Riyu's and I wondered if that was because Dax didn't want me near Killua. In fact, our rooms were the furthest apart.

There were maids here too, working diligently, doing their best to go unnoticed.

My room, my brother told me before taking off, was the biggest. It had a king size bed, a desk in front of a giant window that took over the wall, a vanity mirror, a t.v., some counters, and a balcony that overlooked shorter building and out into the horizon.

The sky was devoured by clouds and fog, turned gray. It didn't take long before it started raining, each drop creating a peaceful rhythm.

A knock sounded throughout the room, revealing tall white-haired boy when I opened it. He was holding my blackout book, his fist raised in the air.

"You forgot this-" he held out the most precious thing I own. "I thought you might want it back."

I took it back, pressing it to my middle. "Thanks." I breathed, meaning it. On impulse, I reached out to rub his head, my ringers running along the white hair that I always imagined would be soft. I was not disappointed.

But then I realized what I was doing and snatched back my hand. When I looked back at Killua, he was blushing. Hard.

"Y/N-" he started, cut off.

"-I made hot chocolate, sister dear!" My brother singsonged, wearing a silly pink apron that said Kiss me, I'm cute.

His green eyes locked on Killua like a target and instantly shot him a glare. "It hasn't even been an hour and you're already together again?"

"Dax!" I hissed.

"Fine, fine," he held out his palms in surrender. "Just come down, you two. Your other friends are already there."

My friend and I exchanged a look before breaking into smiles.

"Let's pretend that never happened?" I asked Killua.

Unlike the time at the Ferris wheel, when he had been completely indifferent, now hurt flickered in his eyes. "Deal." He said anyways.

We trutted downstairs, pushing each other playfully the whole way there.

I wonder how long we can keep up this act.

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