Chapter Sixteen: One year later, a breath away, one touch too late

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This was a mask party. No one was supposed to know who you were. But when he came out of the mansion and into the yard in his tuxedo, I recognized him, my breath being knocked out.

It was in the way he walked, his unusually white hair. He seemed uncomfortable, this wasn't his thing. The Tango.

I wondered if he would notice me or walk past me as if we never knew each other. Maybe we didn't. All he is is a memory, even now.

He does notice me from a considerable distance away. His head whips in my direction abruptly, intense ocean blue eyes piercing me in half.

Everyone around us disappears and I watch him, as if in slow motion, make his way to me. There's a new confidence to his step. A purpose.

Finally, when he reaches me, standing in front of me, I refuse to look at him. This must be a dream. It should end soon.

"I don't believe we've met," he says professionally. He's trying too hard. I look up.

Fine. I smile, bowing. "No, I don't believe we have."

"Dance with me." He doesn't ask or demand. It's a mixture of both.

"What about names?" I ask sweetly, digging my nails in my skin. His lips quirk wolfishly. He's a predator. What does that make me?

"Names won't be necessary," he takes my hand and I let him lead me to the dance floor. He grabs my waist, gentle yet unashamed. His next words make me feel something. Something in my hollow heart. "You remind me of someone."

"Was this someone special to you?" I ask daringly.

"She was my salvation." Again, a pang in my heart like a tiny bullet. "She was beautiful. Broken but beautiful."

"What happened to her?"

It takes him a moment to respond, holding my gaze. He won't back down. Neither will I. For tonight, we're strangers with no history or future. Nothing.

"She left one day," he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Do you want to know the saddest part? She never even said goodbye, making me wonder what the hell I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong," I choke. I quickly, my hand flies to my mouth and I avert my gaze. But he doesn't let me run away.

"Look at me, please."

"Hell no."

"I've been searching everywhere for you, firefly."

"Don't." I seethe.

"I need an explanation." His nose runs along my exposed neck and I shudder. "I need to know what happened. Why did you leave. Y/N—"

"I was given an ultimatum!" I yell when I can't take it anymore.

He smiles a strange smile that chills me to my core. I grab his shoulders and then close the gap between us. My bottom lip caresses his and I can tell he's having a hard time trying not to move away. I don't kiss him. I torture him slowly, kissing his neck and down to his neck bone.

"Goodbye, Killua."

He watches me closely. Like a cat. "I won't let you leave." I feel him hug me. "I'm not losing you again."

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