Chapter Three: Ferris Wheel

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Y/N's P.O.V.

We end up in front of a carnival, stands for different games were side-by-side with a Ferris wheel towering over them. Kids had cotton candy in their hands or caramel dipped apples on a stick. When I looked back at the boy, his mouth was practically watering at the sight.

Though the sight was too beautiful to ignore, it didn't distract me from the situation at hand.

"Let me go!" I squirm under the boy's arms. "Put me down already!"

He scoffs, setting me down. "That's your way of saying thank you?"

"Thank you?" I gasp, narrowing my eyes at him. He was gifted with the power of bringing out my inner demon. "For what?"

"Saving you, obviously."

"I believe what you did is called kidnapping."

He rolls his cat-like eyes, "Whatever. You owe me."

"Okay." I play along, waiting for what he would ask for.

"As payment, you have to ride the Ferris wheel with me." He announced, raising both eyebrows at me. "With snacks, of course."

"That's it?" I ask, surprised. He looks confused at my reaction. "I mean, I guess I can do that. Normally I don't come home this early, so it's okay."

"Let's go." He says, starting to walk, hands deep in his pockets.

"I don't even know your name."

He pauses.

"Do you want to? It's not like we'll see each other after today." There's a harshness to his tone that startles me. Something dangerous.

"You're right. Nevermind."

"Killua." He says quickly. "Killua Zoldyck."

My eyes widen as the realization sinks in. "You're an assassin from the Zoldyck family—"

"— ex-assassin." He corrects sternly, the slightest frown on his face.

"I'm Y/N."

"I don't care." Killua's mood has shifted, his back facing me. "Let's go."

It feels wrong following him now that I know who he is. Knowing his hands are stained with blood. But then again, I don't know what he's had to endure.

So for once, I make my own choice.

"Hey," I yell. "Wait up!"

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