Chapter Five: Too Late

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When I think of home, it's not home. Home is the place you can always come back to. A place where you're accepted and cherished. Home is not something you should be scared of.

But in my case, it is.

So when Killua takes me there, I stand frozen, looking at the turned on lights inside. Someone was awake.

"Stay here." I tell Killua, who's face is scrunched up in concern in the moonlight.

"Are you sure?"

No, not at all. "Yes. Wait for me."


I grab the doorknob, my hand shaking furiously. Hearing Killua take a step toward me, I will myself to turn the knob and push the door open.

No one is in sight, the living room left empty. I sigh in relief and tiptoe to my room. As quickly as I can, I pack a few change of clothes, my book and marker, notebook, and some emergency money my sister gave me.

"Y/N?" My shoulders sagged when I realized it was only Grace. My sister. She was the only one I wanted to say goodbye to. I had a brother too, but he was living in York New. "What are you doing?"

She eyed my red and black backpack, slung over one of my shoulders.

"Packing," I said, avoiding her gaze. "I'm leaving."

"What?" Her voice broke. "Why?"

She was the oldest out of the two of us. When I finally turned around to fully face her, I was stunned by her beautiful face. She was definitely the prettiest too. But that had to do with the way she was treated by the family compared to me.

She wasn't beaten like I was. I took it all for her. Grace was clueless about the bruises all over my body.

"I can't stay here anymore." My tone was harsher than I meant for it to be. "This place is hell."

"What are you saying, Y/N?" Her hands flew to her hips, a pointed glare aimed at me. "You can't do this."

"Yes, I can. It's not up for debate, sis."

"I'm calling mom."

"No." I squeaked. "Don't. Please."

But she was out the room the next second, stomping to mom's sleeping chamber. I dug my nails in Grace's arm, making her yelp.

"Stop it, Grace!"

"Let me go, you idiot!" She yelled, knocking urgently against mom's door. "MOM!" She roared. "Y/N wants to run away!"

The world spun, anger washing over me. My palm collided with my sister's cheek, a satisfying sting left behind.

I heard footsteps coming closer to us through the rusted brown door.

"Look," I ordered my sister, lifting my shirt.

She gasped.

"This is what I can't deal with anymore. You should run away as well. I don't want them coming after you."

With that, I sprinted for the door. But when I got there, a figure blocked it, arms crossed across his chest. Head full of white hair and hollow eyes looking down at me with dissapontment and something deadlier, grampa was the only thing standing betweeen me and my ticket to freedom.

"You should know," my mother came into view, a wicked smile reaching her ears. "Escaping wasn't going to be that easy. Stupid girl."

I was too late. It was over.

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