Chapter Eight: Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls, Jack.

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Y/N's P.O.V.

We landed with a hard knock against the ground. Even though the impact hurt like hell, I started laughing, tears at the back of my eyes, not yet falling.

Killua joined in and a few seconds later, so did the twins. The sun was rising over the horizon, signaling the coming of the early stages of morning.

"Okay," Killua's back faced Riyu, his arms hung loosely at his side, making just enough room for her legs. "Get on."

I saw Riye narrow his eyes at the ex-assassin suspiciously. "Just what are you trying to do, Killua?"

"I'm taking us to York New," he turned his full gaze on the redhead male. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Eek!" Riye cowered behind me, gripping my shoulders tightly.

Killua rolled his eyes, electricity shrouding his whole body in an instant. I noticed Riyu tuck her face into the spot between his shoulder and neck.


Before they disappeared, my white-haired friend glanced one more time at me.

"Have you guys known each other long?" It's Riye's inquiring voice that breaks the silence.

He steps away from me, giving me a once-over. Then, he focuses his attention on my face, as if searching for something.

"No," I reply. "Not at all. I just met him a few days ago."

This surprises him, his eyes widening. "Seriously?" He shakes his head, "But that Killua guy acts like he's your boyfriend or something! When Riyu was flirting, he gave her the cold shoulder. That never happens."

His words shock me. Was that how everyone saw us? No way. Impossible.

In the distance, I spot a tiny speck of blue coming toward us.

When Killua met up with us, he reluctantly got into position and told Riye it was his turn now.

But when Killua came back for me, I hesitated for just a moment before climbing onto him.

Never had I been this close to him, feeling his strong back as it flexed. His fluffy white hair caressed my face like the tip of a paintbrush, except it was way softer.

Strong arms grabbed my legs and I felt my breath hitch as Killua called Godspeed.

Everything around us blended together in a series of scenery, the wind hitting my face, forcing my hair behind my shoulder.

"Have you ever wanted to scream out to the world but couldn't?" Killua yells at me over the sound of rustling trees.

"Yes," I say. "Always."

A grin spreads across his face, "Then do it now, Firefly."

And I do. I fill my lungs with the words I never said— the times I felt helpless— and scream so hard it squeezes my insides.

"I'M STARTING OVER! THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT!" I howl, a single tear escaping. It's carried away by the wind.

It might have been my imagination, but I think I hear Killua whisper, "Me too."

We come to a stop in front of a towering building, which was made of black glass. A sign on it wrote Hiyame Hotel.

It looks like this is where we're staying.

We waited next to the elevator as Killua talked with the man behind the counter. By the looks of it, something was wrong. With a frown, the white-haired boy turned around again and made his way to us.

"It looks like there's only two spare rooms available," he began. "And they each have one bed. Y/N and I will stay in one while Riyu and Riye take the other."

I let his words sink in. We'll share one room— that's not so bad! It looks like we'll also be sharing a... bed.

That's a no-no.

We're on the top level, the whole trip there is occupied by a thick blanket of awkward are-you-taking-the-floor-or-am-I silence.

The twins are below us.

My friend swipes the card, and the door unlocks. He opens it. We step inside. Fresh air greets us.

I take in my surrounding— there is (conveniently) a room with the bed as well as t.v., and another separate space with a second t.v., a table, and cushion sofa.

Meaning, the sofa saved me from sleeping on the floor tonight.

"Do you think they have any movies on?" Killua seems so animated when he says this, picking up the remote control as if it's the cure to cancer.

"Let's check," I reply, thankful we're talking again.

The screen turns on and there's an option for different types of movies, new and old.

"They're so expensive!" I gasp, catching the price. That's half of what I earned per hour at my job back home!

Killua nods, inspecting the options, a hand on his chin. "Yeah, but we're only staying here for a few days. Better have a fun time, right?"

"I guess so... " I shrug. "Look! There's a popcorn bag!" My hand snatches it up.

"Cool," Killua leans back, pressing his movie choice. "Put it in the microwave, Y/N."

After the sound of popping fills my ears and the machine shrieks several times, I take out the hot bag and sit next to Killua on the ground, despite the fact that the sofa is right there.

The movie starts just in time and I hold in a laugh when I realize what movie this is.

"The Titanic?" I raise an eyebrow at Killua, who offers me a cheeky grin before grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it into his mouth.

He shudders, "Still prefer chocolate."

"I didn't take you as the romance type." I muse.

"I can be very romantic—" as if to demonstrate, he crawled toward me with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Knowing what was coming, I shook my head and held out my hands, a smile breaking out in my face.

"No, Killua. You better not!" But he ignored my protest and started tickling me everywhere. "Ha, ha. S-stop it, Killua! Ha!"

As I burst into a laughing overdrive, I found it harder to breathe and accidentally kicked his stomach with my foot.

He was sent flying across the room, smacking against the wall. A flashback of that time at the train dawned on me.

"They weigh 50 kilograms. Each." That's what Killua said about the yo-yos. If that was true, how in the world could I carry them? Why was I able to send Killua across the room?

He groaned. "Why are you so strong, Y/N?"

I didn't have an answer to that, and I dropped my head, ashamed. "I have no idea."

The ex-assassin did not push the subject any further, plopping back down. We watched the film, and at some point, I must have fallen asleep, because I don't remember any scene beyond the one where Jack was about to draw Rose.

Killua said the famous Draw me like one of your french girls, Jack. line with the same seductive voice as the actor herself. I had giggled, darkness sweeping me off my feet.

Normal P.O.V.

Once Killua noticed his Firefly had fallen asleep, her breath even, he gently lifted her in his arms and took her to the other room. There, he set her on the bed and tucked her in.

For a few seconds, he simply stared at her face. What was this feeling at the pit of his stomach? He wondered.

But when he went to check on her an hour later— she was gone.

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