Chapter Thirteen: Last Days With You (Pt. 2)

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Downstairs in the kitchen, the twins sat in long chairs, sipping from their steaming cups of coffee. They immediately caught us and smiled. Both of them had whipped cream mustaches and I held the urge to laugh.

My brother turned around with two more mugs in his hands. He handed them to us and warned, "Careful, it's hot."

Then, Dax went upstairs, muttering something about taking a bath.

When I tilted my head slightly and tasted the hot chocolate, everything hit me at once. The sweetness of the whipped cream, now melting with the warm, bitter chocolate.

"Hmmm~" I heard Killua murmur next to me. This must be heaven for the guy.

"Your brother's sex on a stick, Y/N," Riyu howled, setting down her empty cup. "And he can make a mean hot chocolate. You're lucky."

Riye nodded furiously in agreement, "Very lucky."

I giggled, "Whatever."

It took a couple of minutes for everyone to finish, but once we did, Killua suggested an idea.

He had been staring at the window, outside where it was pouring mildly. "We should play outside."

Without any questions, all of us ran back to our rooms and put on our shoes.

However, when we came back, someone stood in front of the door. He was tall, with stylish light brown hair and dark eyes that held the slightest hint of green in them.

Dripping wet, he was in the middle of taking off his shirt before realizing he wasn't alone

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Dripping wet, he was in the middle of taking off his shirt before realizing he wasn't alone. Creepy much?

"Oh," a smirk creeps up on his face. "I didn't realize Dax had visitors."

No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, he was somewhat handsome. But that didn't stop me from asking in a suspicious voice, "Who are you?"

He offers me a smile I'm sure a hundred of girls have fallen for. Not this girl. "Sorry, where are my manners?" The man has a throaty laugh and I feel the twins hyperventilating next to me. "I'm Koah. Your brother's, um, you know... Don't make me say it."

Koah seems embarrassed all of a sudden. At first I don't understand. Not until Riye says in a deflated tone, "He's already taken. By Dax."

"What are you kids even up to?" Koah tilts his head playfully.

"We were going to play in the rain." Riyu answers, hands behind her back.

The long-haired male nods, hands crossed over his chest. He steps away from the door so that we could pass.

Killua leads, a tense stance to him. As if he's a threatened cat, back arched and hairs standing up. He cautiously opens the door, and goes outside without another word.

A raindrop lands on my nose, sliding down my chin. "You okay?" I ask my white-haired friend.

He frowns at me, no longer on the edge. "Did you see his dog tag?"

"Wait, what?"

"He's part of the army. Or maybe he's already been drafted before." I stare at him, his hesitation. In the end, the ex-assassin shrugs, "I don't know. There's something weird about Koah."

I nod once, "I understand."

"C'mon, guys!" Riye yells, sprinting across the front lawn. His hands are set apart, like a bird or plane taking flight. "This is fun!"

Killua and I join the twins, forgetting all about our worries. We play tag, hide and seek, and simply full out chase each other. At some point, I slip and fall on my butt.

Laughter rings in my ears and I'm not even mad. Killua offers me a hand, lifting me up in the air when I take it. I gasp, adjusting to it pretty quickly.

We laugh and laugh and laugh.

Somehow, our fates became connected. A group of people from completely different backgrounds made stronger together.

I really, so desperately wish some moments could last forever.

By the time we head back inside, all of us is soaked from head to toe. We find Dax on the couch, watching a movie. Koah is nowhere to be found.

"Towels are next to you," my brother says

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"Towels are next to you," my brother says. "Come watch a movie with me."

"Okay!" The twins chorus, snatching towels and cocooning themselves in them. Killua and I do the same.

I sit beside Dax, who wraps his arm around me. "So, you met Koah."

"Yeah," I say. "He seems nice."

This is true, for the most part.

Normal P.O.V.

The little sneaky bastard, Dax thinks. Killua had sneakily moved closer to Y/N over the course of the movie, finally ending up slumped next to her with his head resting on her shoulder.

The stairs creaked with the descending of Dax's boyfriend, Koah. He had been in his room, playing video games and blasting the radio.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Koah grinned, teeth gleaming.

Dax stared at Y/N's sleeping face, so peaceful and calm. Then, at the boy Killua. "I can't protect her anymore."

Koah glanced at Killua, "Give him a chance, Dax. Not all men are assholes."

"And this is coming from your mouth?"

"Talking about mouths... " Koah leaned in to kiss his partner but Dax shook his head.

"Let me take her up first, okay?"

Koah nodded, watching Dax gently pick up his sister. "She's a smart girl. Don't worry."

"I worry. That's my job."

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