Chapter Fifteen: Bizarre Truth

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"Try to crush this apple," Kurapika hands me the shiny fruit. We were in an abandoned shack hidden deep in the woods.


"Because I know you can. Now try it, Y/N." He beckons me to go on, his eyes focused intensely on the way my fingers envelop around the apple. With a squeeze, pieces of it explode everywhere.

My eyes widen and I hear Kurapika mutter, "I knew it."

I flex my hand, paying attention to the way my knuckles appear when I make a fist. "Why can I do that? Something similar happened when I grabbed Killua's yo-yos."

Kurapika tells me to wait before he goes outside. A minute later, he's back, plopping back down across from me on the floor. He now offers me a rock the size of a baseball, "What about this?"

It easily crumbles, the turned-to-dust remains fall through the folds of my fingers. "Is something wrong with me? This didn't happen at home... "

The blond male shakes his head, seemingly somewhere else. Finally, he explains, "You've been exposed to this type of exercise longer than you think. Your parents probably did that in hopes of handing over a worthy wife."

"Wife?!" I shriek.

Kurapika nods, "Lucifer- the Phantom Troupe's leader- was planned to marry you as an arrangement for your eighteenth birthday. With your parent's consent, of course."

"You're kidding."

"I wish I was." He sighs. "Sorry, Y/N. I know this must be a lot to take in."

Even though he was partially right, the urge to know more overtook my confusion. I shook my head, "Tell me more. I can handle it."

For a moment, Kurapika simply stares at me. A flash of scarlet flickers in his eyes before he looks away, "In its own time."

I catch the hint of a smile.

It's been a couple of days since leaving my friends behind. I try not think about them by discovering more about myself, what I can do. But every night, as I close my eyes, a tear or a couple thousand slip out and I cry in silence.

I don't know if Kurapika hears me behind the wall. I'm just glad he doesn't come check on me.

I'd like to suffer on my own, by myself. This storm inside my head is mine alone to conquer. I'm sorry, everyone.

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