Chapter Nine: Phantom Troupe

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Y/N's P.O.V.

When I wake up, I'm not in the hotel anymore. No, where I find myself is a dark room, completely depleted of light except for a single lightbulb in the back.

There, I can make out a figure in a tuxedo, sitting in a chair. His face is covered by his hands and the hint of illumination showcases his blond hair.

He looks up after a moment, blinking at me. "You're awake."

That's when I notice the chains on his hand. They make a clanking noise every time they rub together.

"I'm Kurapika," the male continues. I will never forget the beautiful yet deadly scarlet that embeds his eyes. "And we have a lot to discuss, Y/N Hayame."

My world freezes over.

Normal P.O.V.

The moment Killua noticed Y/N was missing, he panicked. It was as if she had never been there in the first place, like she never existed and it was all a dream.

But the window was open. She had been here, Killua convinced himself, peaking his head outside. There was no way his friend jumped from a floor this high.

So what happened?

Through the haze, he decided to look for Riyu and Riye. Maybe they knew something. Anything dammit.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Do you know the Phantom Troupe?" Kurapika asked me, something dark in his gaze.

I nodded my head, "I've heard about them. They're a dangerous group of criminals who have done-"

"-unspeakable things." He finished for me. "Yes, you're right."

"What does this have to do with me?" I try to lean in but the rope around my body restrains me from moving so much as an inch. He notices my struggle and shrugs.

"I think you might be connected to them somehow." This makes me pause, wondering if he was actually crazy. He takes my silence as a cue to keep going with his theory, "Your parents- what kind of people were they when you were younger?"

Younger? "They fought. All the time."

"I get that. But was there any odd behavior? Don't you remember something weird... ?"

Finally, I consider, digging deeper into the past I wanted to leave behind. "Thinking about it now," I began. "My parents took me somewhere before they split up. It was a dark place. Like this. Except there were candles everywhere. My parents left me to go talk to a group of dangerous looking people. I don't remember much about it but it was like an offering or something. It was really creepy." I shudder.

He stares at me with a blank, unreadable expression. "An offering?"

"Yeah. They were muttering things like: is it enough? Can we pay with this? Do we still have debt?"

"Hmm..." he murmurs apprehensively. "Then it could be that I'm right. It's far-fetched, but possible."

I'm suddenly nervous of the next words to come out of his mouth. The news that could very well change my life and everything I've ever known.

"Y/N," he says. "I think you were the offering."

My voice is barely a whisper, "What?"

"I'm sorry-" before I can figure out why he apologizes, he holds up his hand, says something really fast, and a chain pierces through my body, wrapping itself around my heart.

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