Chapter Seven: Riyu And Riye

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Wake up, Y/N!" A distant voice calls, hands gripping my shoulder blades, shaking me awake. "We have to hide!"

When I open my eyes, Killua's on top of me, eyes an urgent plead.

"What?" I moan.

"We have to hide, dummy! C'mon!" I let him pull me to my feet. Footsteps sound on the other side of the door and suddenly, I'm completely awake.

Other people (who I didn't notice last night) are hiding behind stacked boxes. They all look nervous as the steps get closer.

My white-haired friend leads us to one of the empty spots, close to the back. The door opens then, a person walking inside. Even though I can't see him, I know he must be some officer or something by the clicking of boots.

There's a moment of silence before I hear a yelp coming from a girl.

"What do we have here?" The man muses as if he's entertained.

I sneak a peak, careful to hide most of my face. The scene in front of me makes my heart drop.

The officer is holding a girl- about my age - with a fistful of her shirt. Beside her is a boy, his face twisted into a glare. "Let her GO!" He yells, trying to remove the officer's hands from his sister in a futile attempt.

The officer laughs, elbowing the kid's stomach. I wince as he slams against a wall, slumping to the floor, motionless.

"We have to do something," I whisper. Turning back, I see Killua. He's staring at his shaking hands, balling them into fists.

"I haven't recharged yet." He breathes, dropping his head. "I thought resting would help but... "

He was completely worn out. And it was my fault.

Out of impulse and impatience, I stand up.

"Firefly?" Killua says softly, barely a whisper. He reaches for my wrist but I evade it. Beside him, there are two yo-yos. I take them both.

For some reason, Killua's eyes widen in my peripheral vision. I shrug it off, aim at the man's head, and launch. The yo-yo smacks against his head and he releases the girl.

"How did you do that?" Killua gasps.

The girl runs to her brother, wrapping her arms around him. "Riye!" She calls, panicked. "Wake up! Please, Riye!"

He answers her with a grunt.

"Do what?" I look at my white-haired friend, who's stunned.

"How can you carry my yo-yo's?" There's accusation in Killua's tone. He narrows his ocean blue eyes at me. "They weigh 50 kilograms. Each."

I drop the yo-yos, and a hole forms in the ground. "Ah!"

Killua catches me, taking my hand. When he pulls me up, he's glaring at me. I don't get to apologize because the girl from before approaches us warily.

"Um, excuse me?" She is carrying her twin on her back.

"Hmm?" I murmur, seeing just now how beautiful she is. She has red hair and blue eyes with a tint if silver in them, pale skin, and a shiny, gold necklace around her neck.

"Y-you saved us."

"She was being reckless." The ex-assassin spits, his arms crossed over his chest.

"They needed saving!" I growl back.

"Thank you!" The girl yelled, interrupting the beginning of a fight. She bowed down low, clearly having trouble balancing her sibling. "I'm Riyu, and my brother is Riye. We are in your favor."

"No, no. There's no need for that-" I hold out my palms. "-please stand up, miss."

Riyu obliges, raising her head, eyes shining brilliantly. "Are you on a journey?" She eyes Killua when she asks this.

He shrugs, "We're heading to York New. We're in need of cash."

"And then?" Riyu leans in, batting her eyelashes.

Killua is unfazed, looking at me. He arches a brow, beckoning me to answer for him. I spring to life. "My brother lives in York New."


"He'll take us in." I declare, doubting my words for just a second.

Killua fake coughs.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah-" he coughs again. "I just happen to have a problem with brothers."

I stare at him, "Do I want to know?"

He shakes his head, almost apologetically.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Riyu blurts: "May we go with you?!"

Killua and I exchange a look.


That's when Riyu tells us her story about being a princess. How she was arranged to be married off to a filthy rich prince of a faraway island. Seeing her distress, Riye, her brother, suggested a plan to run away. That's how they ended up here.

There's a moment of silence before Killua says, "Fine."

When I offer him a questioning look, he closes his eyes. It's like he's remembering a faraway memory. "I have a sister, too. I know why your brother would do that."

Riyu's entire face lights up and she claps her hands together. "Really?"

We spend another night on the train, wheels screeching and horn blaring. The next morning, before sunrise, Killua wakes me up.

Everyone except for us and the twins is asleep.

"We have to jump." Killua tells me.

"What?" My blood runs cold.

He pulls me over to the edge of the moving vehicle, pointing ahead. "Do you see those giant gates?" I nod. "Once the train passes through them, we won't be able to leave. This place is close enough to York New that I can use Godspeed for the rest of the way there."

"Are you sure?" My voice quivers. But how could it with Killua's completely calm expression.

"Let's hold hands." Riyu says as all four of us stand over the edge. I'm next to Killua, so I offer my hand. He takes it, squeezes once.

Before we jump, though, I hear one question that changes everything. He asks, "Do you trust me?"

And that's when I realize that the answer for me is instant. Without hesitation, I reply, "Yes."

We all jump without another thought, because we know what's waiting for us is even greater than fear.

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