Chapter Ten: An Eternity We Don't Have

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Y/N's P.O.V.

There was fire dancing in Kurapika's eyes, burning hatred behind them. "Promise me you'll never become a member of the Phantom Troupe."

My eyes widened as I realized the severity of my situation. If I refused, he was sure to kill me. I was a threat to him.

Yet, even with this knowledge, I pushed my luck. "If you take me back to Killua, then I will."

One of his eyes twitched irritably, "You can't do that, Y/N. From now on, I'm keeping you under my watch."

"Then I won't pledge."

"If you go back to Killua, you'll only make him suffer when you leave!" He snaps, looking like he's fighting the urge to slap me. "Don't you get it?"

"But we were going to go on an adventure... " my voice quivers.

"Sometimes adventures are cut short," his voice is sharp, with a final tone that challenges me to argue. "This is more important now."

It was like waking up from a dream, too good to be true.

"Just one week—" I look up at him. "Please."

His eyes soften and a sigh escapes his lips. "Fine. Now promise."

"I promise I'll never join the infamous Phantom Troupe."

And just like that, the chain around my heart disappeared like it was never there to begin with and the blond male attended my ropes.

Normal P.O.V.

Little did Kurapika and Y/N know, a perverted clown had been eavesdropping on their conversation in the shadows.

As they started walking off, Hisoka pressed a card to his lips, kissing it. What's this? He thought with a small, wicked smile. The game just became more interesting.

He took out his phone and hit a contact. His bulge rose as he thought of the person about to pick up. I wonder what Gon has to say about this? Yummy~

Y/N's P.O.V.

I relaxed once the familiar glass building came into view, my shoulders sagging. I got out of the car.

"Wait!" Kurapika called after me as I sprinted toward it. But I ignored him, pushing open the doors to the hotel.

The moment I did, I smacked into a hard chest, both of our bodies falling to the floor with a thud.

When I looked down at the person, my breath hitched. Deep ocean blue eyes stared at me in surprise, Killua's mouth drifting open. "Firefly?"

"Waterfall?" I had never said the name before, but now seemed like the perfect time to try it out. It felt right.

And judging by the huge grin on the white-haired boy's face that reached from ear-to-ear, he seemed to enjoy it too.

I don't know if he did it out of impulse, or maybe he didn't realize he was doing it at all, but Killua reached out his hand to pull a strand of my hair out of my face and behind my ear.

Heat filled my cheeks, my knees suddenly feeling weak.

Instead of being mad like I would expect, he simply wrapped his arms around the small of my back and pulled me against him. It was all worth it. This was what I wanted.

Even if it was limited.

Because the one week I was allowed to spend with you, Killua Zoldyck, I would bottle it up and turn it into eternity.

Someone coughed, "Ehem. We're still here." It was Riye, his arms crossed over his chest and red hair gleaming under the sun's rays.

"Yeah!" Riyu stood next to him, her arm resting on his shoulder. "Keep this PG-rated, kids."

We all laughed in sync.

"Let's get out of here." Killua said once we stopped, looking at me.

"Yeah," I reply, taking the hand he offers.  "Let's do that."

Even as we exit the building, Killua doesn't let go of my hand. It's almost as if he's afraid of losing me again, which makes my stomach twist with guilt.

I glance behind me to where I last saw Kurapika. He's nowhere in sight, probably having left.

His words float above my head: If you go back to Killua, you'll only make him suffer when you leave! Don't you get it?

From the very beginning, my lack of listening to other people is what led me to my downfall. 

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