Chapter Two

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"Ugh! I am exhausted!" I exclaimed as my brother and I walked into our new place. We had just gotten out of school, and we were both extremely tired.

Hansel tossed his backpack on the ground and sat on the couch. "What did you do today?" he asked me.

"Just the usual," I replied. "Learning useless things without even having some fun."

"You mean complex math and chemistry, right?"

I nodded. "And as an extra bonus, Ruby and Karen picked on me today."

"The snobby sisters again? Those two are so much trouble."

My twin brother was not kidding about that. Ruby and Karen are such troublemakers. You never want to hang around them, for they cause destruction everywhere they go.

Okay, maybe not destruction, but they certainly cause trouble.

One time, they dumped trash all over the cafeteria, and when the principal found out about it, they blamed it on a geek. And that geek was not even from our own school!

Another time, they pulled a prank on the entire school, including the teachers, and got away with it!

See? Those girls are mean!

I picked up my brother's backpack and hung it on a nearby chair. "Hansel, it is not a good idea to leave your backpack on the floor," I told him. "Remember what mom and dad said? There are bugs that are crawling all over this place."

"I know, I know," Hansel scolded, frowning. He looked down. "I despise this apartment."

I understood how my twin brother felt. I did not like living in this apartment either. It may be cheap - like, fifty dollars a month - but it is such a terrible place. It is dang small, and the room that my family and I were staying at was cramped and dirty. The worst part were the bugs. There was probably over a billion of bugs in this apartment. There was even a time that I found a scorpion under my bed.

And do my parents care?

No. Of course not.

They know that this place is awful. They know that there are bugs and that they can do better. But I feel that they just do not care anymore. They have plenty of money for a nice house.

But why here?

Yes, this apartment does not cost very much, however, should you not be concerned about finding a place to live that is actually safe? 'Cause this apartment is definitely not a healthy place to live!

"Why did we have to move to one of the most populated cities?" Hansel questioned, crossing his arms. "Forlot was a whole lot of a better town than New York City."

"Mom and Dad did say that this city was offering jobs for the New York Times," I stated. "And they are such great news reporters." And then added, "And do not say that Forlot is better than New York. New Yorkers are probably reading this book."

He crossed his arms and sneered, ignoring my last sentence. "By great, you mean horrific, sis."

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Think about it. Every news story that they have ever reported was sad. Really sad." He got up and grabbed a newspaper that was lying on the table. "Man dies in a car crash. Woman shot during a burglary. And today's headlines?" He held the newspaper in front of my face. "Couple dies after falling off a cliff."

I slowly nodded. He was right. Every report that our parents had ever done was always a tragedy. Why could they never report some good news? I mean, there had to be some good news out there that had to be reported.

Or even some interesting news for that matter.

I sighed and started heading towards my room.

"Where are you going?" my brother asked.

"To my room," I answered. "Mr. Pebbles, my science teacher, has assigned us a huge project."

"Oh. What do you have to do for your project?"


"Experiment on what?"

"Anything that we want to. Boring! I would rather be playing GalaxyBound 4."

He chuckled. "You sure love GalaxyBound 4."

"And Goose-Flesh. Do not forget about Goose-Flesh. Now, if you will excuse me."

I went into my room and immediately spotted dust on my desk.


I blew away the dust, and then took out my books and set them on my desk. I was about to sit down, when I suddenly heard Hansel scream.

"Ah! Monster!"

"Hansel?!" I cried out. I stood still and waited for a response from him.


Just silence.

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