Chapter Forty-Two

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I stared at him for what seemed like forever and gave him a confused look. A strand of my hair somehow escaped from one of my ponytails and dangled in front of my face. I tried moving my arms. However, I could not. I could not move any part of my body.

Except my mouth.

Jack had a worried look on his face. "Gretel?"

I blew away the strand of hair. I was now deep in my thoughts. What he admitted to me played over and over in my mind.

"I am an alien...I am an alien..."

"I. Am. An. Alien."

Jack reached for me and repeated my name. "Gretel."

I found the urge to finally move and stepped back. I kept my eyes on him. Examining him. And I suddenly burst out laughing.

Why, you may ask? Is it not obvious?

Jack was messing with me. He was teasing that he was an alien. We had just kissed. It is obvious that I like him, and he likes me. Plus, Hansel and I had been through a lot in just that one day. So Jack was trying to cheer me up.

I was hoping that he was just joking. I hate aliens.

Jack grabbed both of my arms and leaned close. Our bodies were now touching.

"Gretel?" he said. "Might I ask why you are laughing?"

I forced my laughter to die down and placed my hands on his cheeks.

"Silly," I replied. "You are nice."

He narrowed his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

I smiled. "Enough with the jokes. It is not the best time."


"I know that you are messing with me. You clearly want to make me feel better. I mean, you saw me and my brother tied up by that crazy scientist."

His eyes widened. "But—"

"You are not an alien. You are human. Like me."

"Gretel..." He sighed. And then he wrapped his arms around my waist...

...and kissed me again.

The second kiss was different from the first kiss. He pressed his lips down on my lips and deepened the kiss. I will not say more, seeing that this series is targeted to both kids and adults. However, I will say this. This kiss was amazing. Perfect.

That is, until what happened next.

Jack pulled away from the kiss. I was sad to see the kiss end so quickly. But I was not sad to see what appeared in front of me. In fact, I was surprised. And afraid.

Standing where Jack used to be was a creature. And it was not the Creature From Beyond.

This creature was smaller than the Creature From Beyond. It was about the same size as me. It was a colorful green and had the same features as a human does. Arms. Legs. Nine fingers. Two thumbs. Ten toes. It had dark green spots all over its body and huge, black eyes that bulged. On its large head were two antennae.

I gasped. "Oh my gosh!" I cried out.

The creature - or alien, for that is what it looked like - started talking. I am guessing some language that only aliens know.

"Kapat Kusucii. No mie obrubt."

I wanted to run, but the alien grasped my wrist and slowly turned into...


I was shocked. I shook. "J-Jack?"

He took a deep breath and let out slowly. "I am sorry that you had to find out this way," he apologized. "But I wanted to tell you. I needed to tell you the truth."

I could not say anything. Not a word. I could not think of the right words to say. In the right order. It was a shocking situation and twist.

Who else knew that Jack is an alien? You?

He took my hands into his. "I...was not planning on telling you," he explained. "Jill and I did not want to tell anybody of our secret."

Wait. So Jill is an alien too?! That would actually make sense. They are brother and sister.

He waited for me to speak. I still did not say a word, so he continued. "I know that you are surprised. Scared. But please. Do not be. I would not hurt you. My sister and I would never harm anyone. Believe me." He leaned over and rested his nose on mine. "I love you."

Without waiting for me to respond once again, Jack kissed me for a third time. And transformed into his alien form.

I blinked and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and slightly smiled.

I thought about Dr. Maxwell. How he tied up me and my brother. How he bought what used to be our house. What he demanded.

A document of the Lubriem.

I spotted something from the corner of my eye. I glanced at the window.

There was Dr. Maxwell. Running away from the house and into the distance.

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