Chapter Forty-One

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We shut our eyes tight and braced ourselves for the worst. I could feel Hansel's heavy breathing on my face and my neck. I wanted him to knock it off and was going to tell him exactly that. But then I felt a cold object. An object that was barely touching my cheek.

That was when I realized that it was not Hansel. He was on the opposite side of me, and the back of his head was touching mine.

I hesitated to open my eyes. I was paralyzed with fear. I had a hunch - and it probably was true - that whoever or whatever that I was feeling on my right cheek was - or belonged to - the thing.

The Creature From Beyond.

Time went by - like a minute - and the object moved from my cheek to my left arm. I only felt the object every other second because of the rope.

I let out a yelp as I felt more objects pressing against my arm. My skin. I guessed that they were probably the same as the first object, for they all felt the same.

As the objects reached my elbow, I had a funny feeling. It was as if my stomach were filled with actual butterflies.

Did that mean that I was nervous?

I was.


You will see.

I finally found the courage to speak. I could feel my body shaking a little.

"Are...are those fingers?"

I waited for a reply. And jumped when I got one.

"Fingers? Why, yes. I have to use my fingers."

I opened my eyes and scanned the area. I was surprised when I looked up...

...and saw Jack.

I squinted. "...Jack?"

He was standing behind the chair and gave me a nice smile. "That is my name," he said. "Do not wear it out."

"W-what are you doing here?"

"We were in the neighborhood. Remember? Jill and I were going to Forlot too."

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Jill using a pair of scissors to cut the rope. The scissors looked like toy scissors. You know. Like the scissors that kids use during art class.

"My sister and I will have you free in seconds," Jack reassured me and Hansel.

" did you find us?" I asked.

He did not answer and got in front of me. He grabbed the rope and tugged on it.


I saw that Jill was winking at Hansel. My twin blushed and looked away.

I slightly smiled at him. "I think that someone likes a certain someone."

"N-no," Hansel stammered, trying to deny it. He could not though.

Jill giggled and gave him the puppy eyes. She then blew him a kiss.

Hansel noticed what she was doing and blushed redder.

"I believe that my sister has a thing for your brother," Jack said.

"It would not surprise me any," I responded. "I can see the proof."

Jack finally broke the rope and set me free. Jill managed to cut the rest of the rope to free Hansel. She tossed the toy scissors aside and sat on my brother's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Both of Hansel's cheeks were so red at this point that his face now looked like a ripe tomato. And he does not like eating tomatoes. Neither do I.

I know. That last paragraph was unnecessary. But give the writer a break.

"Um...why is she on my lap?" Hansel asked. Jill snuggled against him and rested her head on his chest. "...and cuddling?"

"My sister has taken a liking to you," Jack explained. "She likes everything about you. Your good looks. Your hair. Your voice. You."

"Well...I am flattered...I guess."

He smirked. "My sister would love it if you carried her across the room and out of the house."

Hansel became shocked by this. "Uh..."

Jill giggled once again and kissed the tip of his nose. Hansel plastered a crooked smile and picked her up. He stood and walked off with her.

He panted. " are heavy."

Jill did not take offense to that. She just giggled some more and kissed his forehead.

Hansel and Jill. Sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Jack brushed my hair back. It was my turn to blush.

"It is now your turn," Jack spoke. He scooped me up and held me close.

"Y-you do not have to carry me," I told him. "I can walk. I have legs, and they work."

"I am aware of that. But you are a lady. You have been through a lot, and I want to be a gentleman." He carried me out of the room and followed Hansel down the hallway.

We were halfway down the hall, when Jack stopped walking. He set me down and held my face.

"J-Jack," I stuttered. "W-what are you—"

He cut me off... kissing me...

...on the lips.

Not on the cheek. Not on the forehead.

On the darn lips.

And it was magical.

Though, the kiss did not last for long. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"Do you like me?" he questioned.

My palms started getting sweaty.

"Yes. No!" I corrected and facepalmed. The answer was a resounding 'yes.' "Sorry. I meant the word 'yes.' I like you."

"Then there is something that I should tell you." He whispered in my ear. "I..." He paused.

"Yes? You what?"

" an alien."

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