Chapter Thirteen

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"Mmm!" I woke up. "Jack!" I toppled over and fell to the bus floor. I groaned in pain as I landed on my stomach.


I listened intently, waiting for a reply from the boy who kissed me, Jack. I waited.

And waited.

Alas, no response was given.

How rude.

"Jack, why did you kiss me?" I questioned. I got on my own two feet and scanned the area for him.

The bus was deserted. Just my brother sleeping and Paul driving. No Jack. No Jill.

No Margie.

I looked at my window, the window that we used to pull Margie in. I left it open.

It was closed now.

I sat back down and looked at my twin. A blue blanket covered all parts of his body except the head. He leaned his head against the closed window and snored.

I covered my ears. He does not usually snore that loudly. Regardless, it gets on my nerves and can be a bit of a nuisance. When he is asleep, he snores constantly. Every breath that he takes. All night long. When he naps.

All night long.

Yeah. I know that I said that twice, however, I want to make it clear.

I wanted to take a look outside. I wanted to see where we were. I stood and walked to the other window that was across from us. I gazed at the outside world.

Were we still in the city?


We were in a different place. A place that I was familiar with. A place that I promised to always call my first home. A town that has a purple sky.

Forlot. We were in Forlot. Our home.

I saw the beautiful - and weird - sky. The street lamps showed white lights, brightening up the dark town. Trees were planted, but most of their leaves had fallen.

We passed a row of houses. Each house was different. Unique in different ways. Some were the sizes of mansions. Others were the sizes of cabins. Though, the small houses were cute. I even spotted lawn gnomes on someone's lawn.

I went over to Hansel and gently shook him. "Psst. Hansel, wake up," I whispered.

Hansel groaned and kicked with his legs. Not wanting to get kicked in the shins, I moved away, and he yawned and stretched. His eyes fluttered open.

"Who...what...?" he said, feeling a bit confused. He stopped his kicking, and I came close to him.

"Sorry that I had to wake you," I apologized. "But I wanted you to see this."

He raised an eyebrow. "See what?"

I pointed at the window, and he turned. I could see his eyes twinkle with excitement.

"Oh my gosh!" He pressed his face against the window. "Forlot!" He turned back to me and hugged me tightly. "We did it! We are home!"

I giggled at his enthusiasm and hugged him back. Even though that we could only stay here for a short amount of time, we were both glad and excited to be back in our favorite town. Our one and only home.

"I hope that we can find our old house," Hansel said.

The bus skidded to a stop. The bus doors opened, and Paul turned to us.

"Welcome to Forlot!" Paul said. "This is your stop."

Hansel got up, and we both grabbed our bags. We headed out of the bus.

"Thank you, Paul," I thanked. "This must have been a long trip for you. All the driving."

The driver smiled. "You are welcome."

"You may need to assist us again," my brother insisted. "I will call you and let you know."

He nodded. "I will be waiting."

We exited the bus. The doors closed, and Paul soon drove away with the bus.

"At last," I said. "We are here." As soon as I said that, I overheard somebody's voice. A girl's voice.

A familiar voice. By the bus stop.

"Kids? What are you doing here?"

Hansel and I gasped. We spotted someone whom we knew.

It was not Mom. It was not Dad.

It was Aunt Katrina.

"Aunt Katrina," I said. "What are you doing here?"

Forlot: The Creature From Beyond - Book Three {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now