Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A family of four was heading to church. It was a Sunday morning, and plenty of people were attending church. There were a lot of people in the town who were believers.

The small family contained a father, a mother, a boy, and a girl. The boy and girl were brother and sister.

Each family member wore fancy clothing. They were not rich. They just wanted to be dressed appropriately for church. The dad wore a blue-collared shirt with a red and black tie, black pants, and black shoes. The mom had on a purple dress that reached to her knees and purple shoes. She also wore a purple bracelet on her left wrist and a purple necklace. The brother had on a white-collared shirt, black pants, and black shoes. The shirt was covered by a black suit and a black tie.

As for the girl, she was wearing a blue dress that reached to her knees. On her feet were low heels. The heels glistened in the sunlight, for they were pure white.

"Is everyone excited for church?" the mom asked, smiling at her kids. "The pastor said that we will be doing some activities after his speech."

The girl groaned and looked down at her shoes.

Her mom took notice. "Sweetheart? What is the matter?"

"Why do we have to go to church?" the girl said.

"Church is important," the father stated. "It is a place - a service - to honor our Lord."

"I know that. You told me a million times before." The daughter kicked a pebble that was on the ground. The pebble flew into a nearby bush. "I get that church is important. I love the Lord. But this church is not my type."

The mother had a confused look on her face. "What do you mean by that?"

"You know. I am a Lubriem. No one in the church - or any church - believes that fictional characters exist."

The dad let out a heavy sigh. "Not this again."

"It is true!" The girl clenched her hands into tight fists and glared at her parents. "Nobody but me believes that fictional things are real!"

Her mom rubbed her forehead with a hand. "Really. I wish that you would stop with this nonsense. Get off the fictional ride and come back to reality."

The daughter crossed her arms. "Oh, yeah? It is not my fault that people kill each other."

The father frowned. "That is it!" He raised his hand...

...and smacked her across the face.

"Ah!" the girl yelled at the top of her lungs. She rubbed the side of her face and whimpered.

"I have had enough of it," her dad declared. "I wish that you would live in the real world. Not that stupid world that is fictional." He then turned and muttered under his breath. "I wish that I had a different daughter. A better daughter."

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