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-Show 'em that you're young and carefree.

"Come on Kira, you never go anywhere!" Lea, one of my best friends whined over FaceTime; my eyes rolled on reflex, there was truth to her statement, but I'd accepted that it was who I was. Of our usual trio, Lea was the more extroverted one, while Jasmine and I preferred to stay at home. I'd always rationalized my distaste for going to parties by saying that I only liked to leave my house to make money or to buy groceries.

Unlike all the other times that she'd invited me out before, I was in the mood to enjoy myself and celebrate the fact that she and I were officially college graduates.

"I'll go." I sighed; Lea's eyes widened in shock at my response. "What? We survived college, might as well humor you for the night. Is Jazzy coming?" I asked her, knowing that we all deserved a night out.

"I didn't think it would be this easy to get you to come, I thought I would have to break you down." Lea chuckled, visibly buzzing with excitement. "And no, I asked Jazzy but she's in the middle of preparing for her presentation, the three of us need a night together though."

I nodded in agreement. "Aw, I would've loved it if Jazzy was there with us." I glanced at the clock in my room, it was already ten at night. "What time should I be ready for Le?"

"I need you to be ready around eleven o'clock, it's gonna be fun girl, it's just a little kickback, nothing major. However, I expect you to dress to kill because casual attire is for the birds!" Lea snapped her fingers in a Z formation, I couldn't help but laugh, she was most definitely a drama queen and had a Bachelor's Degree in Extranomics but I loved her nonetheless.

It was impossible to hold my laugh in. "I'm gonna get ready since you wanna be a short notice Nancy, bye babe."

Lea blew me a kiss and ended the call, I then went to my closet and picked out an outfit; Lea and I owned an online boutique, because of that we both had an endless supply of clothing and a need to always look our best. I made quick work of getting ready, knowing exactly what I wanted to wear after a few minutes in my closet.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I sat down to do my makeup, I'd been to one or two parties during my four years of college and never liked the atmosphere much. My mind was always focused on keeping my grade point average up, not social activities.  However, I decided that tonight I would have fun, I graduated college summa cum laude a month before and decided that it was my time to have fun and go all out before I got down to business. Jazzy was a year younger than us so I understood why she wouldn't have been able to go out; she was taking classes during the summer in an effort to graduate earlier and I admired her dedication.

Lea and I made the decision to start looking for a physical location for our boutique; while managing an online store was better suited to us while we were in college, we were eager to work in a real store where we would be able to interact with our customers.

I was putting my hundredth layer of lip gloss on when Lea called to let me know that she was outside, I took one last look in the mirror, grabbed my phone and purse and headed out of my condo.

As soon as I made it outside I was greeted with the flash from Lea's phone.

"Yes girl! My best friend did not come to play with you hoes tonight honey! She's taking all your men tonight in this outfit! Do a spin for me babe! Shop at Lavish so that you can look like this!" Lea continued to shower me with compliments as I twirled and posed for the camera, there she was putting that Extranomics degree to good use and I couldn't help but laugh.

When she finally stopped recording, my eyes adjusted from the bright flash of her camera and I was able to see her outfit, I chuckled softly because we were almost wearing the same thing. Great minds, I thought to myself.

I decided to return the favor, so I pulled my iPhone out and proceeded to post her on my Instagram story so that my followers could see how amazing she looked. "When I tell you guys that my best friend is an entire five course meal in this outfit! Damn girl, you might be the whole restaurant! Oh wow, look at the hair! Ladies if you wanna look like a bag of money you better shop at Lavish. @shoplavish on Instagram." I ended the video, saved it and posted.

I wasn't always the confident woman that people knew me to be, as a matter of fact I was ridiculously insecure at the beginning of college, Lea encouraged me to love myself and appreciate who I was inside and out; we were roommates in college and she told me that we would be best friends by the end of the week on the day that we met. It took two days for me to know that she was a real one.

To me, Lea and I were sisters in every way but blood and as my life had shown me, blood relation didn't mean shit. When Jasmine came along, it was like everything made complete sense to me; we balanced each other out and always encouraged each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

We finally made it to the "kickback" and I immediately sent a slap to Lea's thigh. The two of us had pulled up to a large house from which people were spilling out in several different areas as the music boomed. I groaned before collecting myself, I was already out and determined to have a good time and I couldn't lie; it looked like it could be fun.

"You're gonna have fun babe, trust me." She said as we made our way to the front door.

"I hope so." The music was so loud that I could feel the vibrations in my chest as we traveled deeper into the house. "Let's go get drunk!"

It was time to let loose and turn up.

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