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-one week later

It was the day before the launch party, and while I wasn't sure if we would've been able to pull it off, we all worked around the clock to make sure that we would meet our deadline. We also took some time to hire a few warehouse employees which allowed us to focus more on the store's progress. Jason and I hadn't been able to see each other throughout the week, as our demanding schedules conflicted with each other. However, we kept in contact through calls and texts; I missed him more than I believed was healthy, which scared me.

"That massage was exactly what I needed." Jasmine sighed; after completing what we could, Lea and I were finally able to treat Jazzy to the spa day that she deserved after she fit the requirements for early graduation. Our next stop was a quaint restaurant where we'd been a few times.

"You and me both, that scalp massage was amazing." Lea responded as we made it to our destination. We all thanked the driver and got out.

"I'm convinced that they have magic hands in there." I added before we got to the hostess station.

"Reservation for Price." I told her, she nodded and led us to our table.

"This is perfect, I feel like I haven't eaten real food all week." Jasmine groaned as she looked through the menu, it was true though; we were mainly surviving on fast food but that was definitely over.

"Don't get me started on how my arteries are screaming at me." Lea sighed dramatically and fanned herself with the menu.

I chuckled, a waiter arrived shortly after and we placed our orders. "So are we all excited for tomorrow?"

"I'm nervous and excited. I just hope everyone loves it!" Lea exclaimed.

"Me too, I hope the work everybody put into it is appreciated. Did you tell Darian about tomorrow?" Jasmine asked, the three of us decided to bring him up on the makeshift stage that we'd built for the party.

The stage was right in front of the mural; we changed the whole layout of the store so that nothing would obscure it and Darian didn't know yet.

"Nope, it's gonna be a surprise but I want him to get all the shine for what he did for us." Lea smiled.

Our food came out and we ate in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about life but we were mostly too hungry to talk. After our plates were cleared, two waiters came out holding a cake; Lea and I planned to use that moment to celebrate all of Jasmine's accomplishments. They placed the cake in front of her and I could tell that she was trying not to cry. The cake read "congratulations Jasmine, you are loved."

"Congratulations on everything that you've been able to accomplish so far JazzyBear, you're an amazingly driven woman and you deserve it all." I said as Lea and I got up to hug her.

"We love you so much Jazzy, you kept us sane for the last two and a half years, helped us immensely with Lavish and still put the work in to graduate early; you're a superstar." Lea told her as she wiped a stray tear from Jasmine's face.

"I love you both so much, thank you for always being there for me and pushing me to be independent and successful." Jasmine said once she regained a little composure, "You both inspire me in new ways every day and I'm eternally grateful for that."

We sat back down and enjoyed some of the cake as we continued to plan for the future; I was beyond excited to see what was in store for us. Jasmine, being the sweetheart she was, made sure to share her cake with the waiters who brought it out, she even told them that they could have the rest of it as long as she got once slice one slice for herself put into a to-go box.

Once I settled the check, the girls and I left the restaurant and waited for our ride. Our next stop was to a beauty studio; we each needed to get out hair and nails done for the big event. The three of us hadn't had time to waste on our appearance while we worked, but we needed to look our best for the event.

Within a few hours, we'd walked out of the beauty studio and parted ways; I headed straight home, in desperate need to get off of my feet. I'd been sitting on my couch for a few minutes when I received and incoming FaceTime call from Jason.

I answered almost immediately, "Hey, what's up Jay?"

He was seated in his car and looked like he had just finished working out. "Hey beautiful, I just wanted to see your face. You look like you're about to pass out."

I chuckled lightly, "The last week finally caught up to me but it's all good, it'll be worth it tomorrow."

He nodded, "I'm proud of you and I'll definitely be there. Sit up and let me see your hair, you changed it." My hair was already styled for tomorrow; it was set in a deep side part and a low ponytail because I wanted my outfit to be the star of the show.

"And he notices my hair." I checked an imaginary box; it was something that I did that anytime he revealed another characteristic or action that I appreciated.

He laughed at that, "And your nails, they look really good by the way."

"Manicures and pedicures, I'm always tip-top." I said as I brought my nails closer to the camera. "Thank you though."

"You're so silly, but it's no problem. I'm always going to tell you when you look good."

I covered my face with my hand as I felt my cheeks began to heat up. "Tell me about the restaurant; the last time we spoke you were having problems with the new chef."

Jason's face completely changed. "I promise that he's a goner KP, bozo was already asking for a pay increase. I don't even understand why he thought that he was entitled to one. The only thing he's done so far was get hired. He's been trying to change my mother's recipes too, like he forgot the whole purpose of the restaurant."

"Hey chill, decide whether his skills are worth putting up with him being an ass and if they aren't, cut him loose and hire someone else. It's good that he decided to be an idiot before the restaurant opened because now you can fix the problem before it affects your business." I spoke calmly, there was no way that I would let him allow a minor hiccup to become something more.

"You're right." Jason sighed and wiped his hand down his face. "I just feel like some people try to make me go back to my old ways but I'll relax; it's not worth it."

Once he calmed down, I would have to remember to ask him about his past. I hadn't done it yet because it wasn't my business, though I was beginning to think that I needed to know before we got any more serious.

"Good, remember that you're the boss and he's the employee; only one of you is disposable." I yawned.

Jason smiled at me, "Aight KP, I've got to go handle some business and you need to get some rest. Did you eat today?"

"Yup, we had a spa and lunch date today to celebrate Jazzy's success." I yawned again. "It was fun."

"I'm glad you got to do that for her, from what you've told me she's an important piece of the puzzle. Go to sleep mama, I'll call you in the morning." Jason murmured as my eyelids drooped.

"Goodbye Jay." My eyes had closed by the time that I responded.

He chuckled and hung up, I got up to wrap my hair and get ready for bed, and then fell asleep as soon as my face hit the pillow.

I hope tomorrow is perfect....

Something is going down at this party, can you guess what? 👀👀

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