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- Left me on the floor and it was still a step up from you

Jay had been gone for a day; he only called me once to say that they were good and that his phone had to stay off. My mind was racing as I worried about him, but I trusted that he could look after himself. Lea and I were in the same boat and she was able to fill in some of the blanks for me. Apparently, their younger brother was a reckless kid who seemed to be a magnet for trouble and from the sound of it, he got himself involved in yet another situation that the guys had to rescue him from.

"I get that it's family, but they've moved on from that life and Jaheim seems to constantly pull them back to it." Lea was pacing the floor of her living room; we were both worried but there was nothing we could do. "And I know that I haven't known D long enough to tell him to give his little brother the boot but damn; they're too smart for this bullshit." I was convinced that she would burn a hole in the ground if she didn't sit down. "What if something happens? We don't even know why they had to go there." I knew that I had to be the calm one, so that we didn't become hysterical. I was sure that none of them would walk into a situation that they didn't have some control over.

"It's only one more day, after that you can talk to Darian and voice your concerns. You know, a lot of the time people just need to hear someone else say it out loud to validate the thoughts they were already having." I told her from my seat across the room, "I get it because I would do anything to protect TJ or you and Jazzy. It's hard to turn your back on family even if they're no good." Family was important, there was no doubt about that but from what I gathered, Jaheim caused more harm than good, I sighed and checked my phone for the third time. "I'm supposed to meet Demarcus in an hour."

He texted me the night before when I still hadn't responded, I decided that at the very least, getting the unresolved issues off my chest would distract me from being worried about Jay and his brothers. I agreed to meet him at a restaurant though there was no chance that I would be staying to eat because I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Lea stopped pacing and rolled her eyes, "That dickhead better be on his best behavior because I'm not afraid to go to jail." She was serious, but I didn't think that anything would happen, Demarcus was abusive emotionally but never physically, so I wasn't worried. "Actually, you know what? I'm coming! Lemme call my Jazzy and see if she wants to go on a date."

I rolled my eyes but said nothing, that way I could just switch tables when I was done wasting my time. "Girl whatever; put on some real clothes and you can come."

I waited as Lea got ready and then we went to get Jasmine; it was no shock to me that she wanted to come. Lea and I had been distant since the guys left; we didn't want Jazzy to worry especially when we couldn't tell her anything. She was waiting outside as usual when we pulled up. I could tell she was upset because she didn't even speak when she got into the car.

"Hey Jazzy, what's up?" I turned in my seat so that I could look at her. She was absentmindedly twirling her hair. "Jazzy?" I said when she didn't respond.

As if a fog cleared from her mind, Jazzy looked over at me and said, "Sorry did you say something?"

"I asked if you were okay, you good?" My phone pinged with a text, but I ignored it. I knew it was from Demarcus and I didn't need to let him know where I was, as far as he knew I was going to show up, so he didn't need a play by play.

"Yeah I'm great, I just missed you guys. You've both been sending lackluster responses to my texts and ending phone calls after a minute, so I should be asking you two if you're okay." Jasmine's feelings had obviously been hurt. I felt like an asshole for avoiding her but it was impossible to look at her and lie.

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