29b (Jason's POV)

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I was nervous on the way to the house; I made sure that Kira couldn't tell because it would only amplify her own anxieties about meeting my family. I knew that they would love her because I loved her, but I was concerned that my older brothers' behavior would scare her off. Admittedly, it was unlikely that anything they could tell her would make her run for the hills but my family had a way of being intense; I didn't want her to experience too much at once.

Lucky for me my mother was the only one at home when we got there; the nervousness that I was feeling ebbed away instantaneously when my mom bounded towards us and immediately hugged my baby. I felt even more relaxed as I watched them walk inside arm in arm; that was what I wanted, I wanted my family to accept her wholeheartedly because she would be around forever. I knew that they could show her what a real family was supposed to be like; how parents were supposed to love their children but I didn't want it to feel forced.

I texted my older brothers and asked them where they were, then called Kev for an update on the inconvenient situation; despite the fact that my day was supposed to be full of love and happiness, there was a twinge of uneasiness in the pit of my stomach after KP proved to me that her ex could be a problem. I wasn't scared of the kid harming me but there was definitely something wrong with him if he resorted to stalking her; I couldn't stand boys like that, they never appreciated the woman when they had them but had no problem coming after them once they moved on. It was lame to me.

"This duck ass nigga stay wit his granny; he just got fired from some corporate job in Atlanta and came back to New York cause poor Granny Melba is the only family member that fuck wit him." Kev read off the information that he found out about Demarcus. "He paid for those flowers with poor Melba's credit card cause he got about eighty dollars in the bank; wait a minute. Aight I'm eighty dollars richer."

I chuckled, "He got any plans today? I don't wanna give the old lady a heart attack." I heard typing in the background as I awaited a response.

"Nah but I can make plans for him; I'll spoof Kira's number and tell him I wanna meet him to thank him for the flowers." Kev chuckled; as much as we hated to admit it, I knew we all missed stomping niggas out and this nigga in particular definitely deserved it.

"I'll let her take my car home and we can roll out; we're not touching him unless he tries to start shit." I warned, I had a feeling that he would try to act tough either way but I was too smart to be the one to instigate the violence.

"No promises; I don't like that stalker shit. I'm leaving the house now and don't let them eat without me because it's your fault that I'm late." Kev said.

"Whatever bro, drive fast because I'm hungry." I said and then hung up. I made my way inside; headed straight for the kitchen and saw my mom and Kira talking like they'd known each other forever. I sat with them for a while before I was dismissed yet again.

Truthfully I would have gone to the backyard and chilled if I hadn't felt the need to check on my woman and make sure that my mom wasn't coming on too strongly.

When I stepped onto the back patio I was immediately met with the smell of weed, I looked around for the source and saw that my dad was lying out by the pool. I chuckled and jogged over to him.

"Mom said that you were at the store old man." I chuckled as I snatched the blunt from his grasp and took a hit.

"I am, this is an optical illusion." David Moore always had to come with the sarcasm. "Your lady in there alone with her?"

I passed the blunt back to him and nodded, "They both like to be detectives so it's not even awkward. What are you going to do when she expects you to bring back whatever it was that she wanted?"

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