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- Now I do what I want.

The two of us pushed our way through a sea of sweaty bodies, in search of the kitchen; when we finally reached our destination, I was extremely pleased with the vast array of liquor that was set out on the counter. I quickly took two cups and poured Hennessy into them as I moved to the music, Lea eyed me skeptically, not used to seeing me so lively and present at social events.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kira?." She teased while taking the cup that I'd offered her. "Cheers to being college graduates!" She screamed and happily drank the liquor. "How would you feel about completing a few dares before the night is out?"

I drank the contents of my cup in one swift gulp, then poured another cup just to give me some liquid courage for what was about to happen; I knew Lea well enough to know that any ideas that she'd come up with would be as childish as they were theatrical.

"I'm in! If you forfeit, you have to do inventory alone for a week." I said, Lea smiled as she poured herself a drink, more people were beginning to congregate in the drink area so we moved to a corner of the kitchen.

"Yes, yes and yes." She clapped again and mischievously rubbed her hands together. "Alright I want you to take three shots of tequila then find a guy to give a lap dance to."

I laughed, more suggestible as the liquor began to kick in and I agreed, "Wait, that's only two things Le." She was already heading back towards the makeshift bar to pour my shots.

Lea touched her lip in contemplation and then, almost as though a light bulb came on in her brain she said "Get a guy's number, it could be the lap dance guy or someone else, but you have to text him tomorrow or you forfeit the dare." I was a big flirt, but I lacked follow through, Lea's final dare may have been the most difficult one for me. She resumed her task of pouring out the shots while she waited for me to respond with her dares.

"Okay Lea, you're gonna take the same shots as me, hold a conversation with a stranger for a minimum of ten minutes and finally, you have to dance on that table over there." I pointed to the table that had been pushed off to the side, while laughing. Our dares were childish and nothing that would bother either of us in the long run; it felt good to act like silly kids for the night.

While we laughed and talked, I felt as though I was being watched; as expected, I turned around and noticed three men who were watching us from the other side of the kitchen, I raised my eyebrow in question and one of them nodded at me. After maintaining eye contact with him for too long, I looked away and proceeded to drink the shots that Lea poured out for me. I scrunched my face up in disgust as I took the last shot; tequila wasn't my drink of choice, it was the exact opposite, though I wouldn't be taken out of the running so early into our dares. I drank another cup of Hennessy and the effects of the liquor finally began to hit me.

"Cash Money Records takin over for the '99 and the 2000." Lea and I shared a look before we made our way to the dance floor, it didn't matter who or where you were, that song just brought out the twerk queen in everyone. I was dancing, having fun when I felt a body push up behind me, I didn't even look to see who it was I just continued to dance on the mystery person like my life depended on it. I bent over completely with my hands on my knees with renewed effort, I felt the person's hands move to my waist and we danced until the song was over.

When the song ended, I finally turned around to see who the person was, it was one of the men that had been watching Lea and I in the kitchen. His chocolate skin had a light sheen from sweat, it was impossible for his tall stature to go unnoticed as he managed to tower over my five-foot nine frame; I had to slightly crane my neck upwards to get a good look at his face. He stared at me for a good minute before licking his lips and speaking.

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