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-be careful with me

Lea and I walked out of our realtor's office the next day with renewed purpose and headed straight to our new space to plan our next move. Though we had an unimaginable amount of work to do before the store was functional, I couldn't have been more excited in that moment. 

"I can't believe this is happening! We can do so much with this place; think of all the places we can take this Kira!" Lea shared my excitement; the two of us never would have imagined the success that we would gain from our online store; at the time it was just an idea for us to make a little extra money. It was immensely rewarding to see the physical manifestation of our hard work. "I was talking to Darian all night after you left about ways that we could spice up the white walls. He said that he's down to come by and give us some suggestions if we want."

"Really? He can meet us now if he's free." I cheered, "Did you decide to take him seriously and go out with him?" I used the key to unlock the door of our store, it looked even better in my opinion because it was officially ours. "It's really obvious that you like him, your face is about to split in half from that smile."

Lea blushed "We're supposed to be going out tomorrow and he's taking me to an art gallery opening, he's checking out his competition." She snapped her fingers. "I'm so happy that we aren't doing the usual dinner thing, might even buy some art for the office. What about you, you've got a date tonight. Are you excited?"

I forced a smile, "I was but he hasn't spoken to me since he left my place and he didn't respond to my text asking how I should dress." I was upset by the radio silence, but I figured that he was busy with work and would get back to me when he could. 

"There's still time though, it's only one now so I'd say that there's no need to worry just yet. If he still hasn't responded in another three hours, then I'll have to slash his tires." Lea said, she had been known to have crazy moments but I didn't think that it would come to that. If he ghosted me after the time that we spent together the day before then I would just carry on with my life; no need to stress myself out. "Alright time to get to business, the desk for out here should be arriving today as well as the racks and the couches for the dressing room area." Lea said as she tapped away on her phone.

"The little glass side tables we liked for the couches should be here tomorrow, we just need furniture for the office. What should we do with that other room?" I asked Lea, we both agreed that we only needed one office because we were always together. "I was thinking that we should make it our photo shoot room. It's big enough and we would save money by no longer having to rent out studios for promotional photo shoots."

Lea clapped ecstatically "That's a perfect way to utilize the space! Plus, we'll be keeping a bulk of our inventory here anyway, it makes perfect sense. I'll look into equipment while you look for office furniture."

I nodded and we got to work, luckily the kitchen area came furnished so we sat at the table and pulled our laptops out. About two hours later we were able to order most of the items that we needed, the next step was to move as much of our stock from our warehouse that we could so that we would be able to hang them up when the racks came and we would probably be able to store most if not all of our inventory here. I called Jasmine who helped us out with the warehouse and asked her to bring as much stuff as she could. Lea and I were thinking of asking her to work in the store with us so she wouldn't be alone at the warehouse but didn't want her to lose sight of her goals. We were well aware that Jazzy's ultimate dream was to become a designer and hoped that she wouldn't lose sight of that if she worked with us fulltime.

"Jazzy said that she'll be here in thirty minutes and she got her brother to bring his van, she's gonna bring as much as possible." I said after hanging up, Lea nodded and grinned.

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