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- gotta love my girls

When I woke up Jason was lying on my stomach with his head under my shirt, I chuckled and reached for my phone to check the time. The first thing that was obvious when the screen lit up was that this was not my phone. He had so many texts from unsaved numbers; most of them were clearly hoes trying to get some dick and I couldn't help but laugh because that wasn't my business, yet. The time read five thirty in the morning, I groaned as I attempted to scoot out of his hold, but he just held on tighter. I lightly smacked the side of his head.

"Move kid, I wanna pee." I said as I tried to push his heavy body off of me. "Jason get the fuck off of me please!" I whined, he was awake and doing it on purpose.

"Aight relax." He yawned, "Are you hungry or you had enough to eat last night?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Get fucked up." I flipped him off as I went into the bathroom and did everything I needed to do in there; I then went back into the room and attempted to find all of my clothes from the night before, warmth coursed through my body as I remembered how Jason had taken care of me.

"Where are my panties?" I asked him after I collected every other article of clothing that I could find.

"The ones that I ripped in half? Don't worry about 'em." Jason said as he checked his phone for the first time. He immediately rolled his eyes and laughed "The hoes miss me." He laughed as he looked through his messages.

"I know, I used your phone to check the time." I chuckled lightly as I got my stuff together. "It's none of my business though."

"Jealous?" Jason asked me as he pulled me to lay on top of him. I scoffed at his question.

"Why would I be? Birds are gonna chirp regardless." I shrugged; it wasn't anything to be bothered by in my opinion.

"Are you sure?" He regarded me skeptically.

"I have no reason to be jealous of numbers on your phone, especially when I'm exactly where they want to be. As a matter of fact, I should show you some of my direct messages on Instagram if you think that those tame ones could rile me up." I shrugged at him, Jason and I weren't together; he was his own person. Jealousy wasn't a good look for anyone.

"You're right." He said as though he was surprised at my answer. He sat up so that I was sitting in his lap. "I'll go get ready and then I can take you home." Jason pecked me quickly and then placed me on the bed next to him before getting up.

Around fifteen minutes later, we were out of the apartment and in the garage of his building, he unlocked the doors of a matte black G Wagon and opened the door for me.

"Thank you, how many cars do you have?" I asked him once he got into the car.

"Just two KP." He chuckled and handed me his phone, "Do me a favor and tell Kevin to schedule the meeting for ten, I don't want to text and drive."

I arched an eyebrow but followed his instructions. "He said that twelve is better so that they can get a feel for the menu." I told him after Kevin replied.

"Okay, tell him that's fine." He said as he continued driving.

As I was about to reply to Kevin, a text from one of those unsaved messages came through, I laughed softly as I read it.

"This unsaved number wants to know if you have time to slide through tonight." I said as I typed the reply to Kevin.

"Just block the number KP." He replied nonchalantly. I did what he said and then placed his phone in the cup holder. We made it to my place in no time. "Call me later." He said as he pulled me towards him so that he could kiss me. The kiss was getting heated, so I regretfully pulled away.

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