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-might as well
"It was so much fun; he's already planning our second date! It was so cute watching him judge all the art; he said that we have to come by one of his galleries to see some real talent. He was so sweet I don't know; it was just the perfect first date." Lea gushed. She, Jasmine and I were currently laying on my bed having girl talk. Lea headed straight to my condo after her date because Jazzy and I were already there; she was eager to let us in on how her date turned out.

I loved seeing Lea so happy and with the good news Jasmine had given me earlier in the day, it looked like they were both making huge strides in their personal lives. My mind drifted back to the Jason thing. "What's wrong KiKi?" Lea asked me, I'd checked out for a few minutes and realized that both she and Jasmine were staring at me. It was no secret that I wore my emotions on my face, that coupled with how well they both knew left me with little to no chance of hiding my feelings.

I sighed. "I'm going to call him." I said as I reached for my phone; the call may have been easier with them there as backup.

"Hold please!" Jasmine hopped off of my bed and ran out of the room. A few minutes later she ran back in with a bottle of wine, liquid courage was not something that I needed but it would make the experience a little more fun. Jazzy opened the bottle and handed it to me first, I took a couple swigs before handing it back to her.

While Lea and Jasmine drank, I started to dial Jason's number. He picked up on the second ring and I made sure to put him on speaker.

"Hey Kira, are you ready to let me explain?" He tone was non-nonsense in nature as he addressed the situation immediately; Jasmine and Lea nodded their heads in encouragement.

"No, I've already heard your explanation already, I just have a couple of questions and then we can forget that yesterday even happened." I said as the bottle was handed back to me, I took a couple more swigs while I waited for him to reply.

He chuckled into the line. "I thought that you were about to curse me out with the way you've ignored me all day." I rolled my eyes at that.

"First of all, Jason we aren't together and I don't see why I would have to be that upset about this." It was a half-truth; I wasn't upset anymore but I'd been annoyed before. "Look, all I want to know is why you couldn't just text me back, your read receipts are on sir, so I know you saw the message. If you had enough time to open it then you had enough time to reply that you were busy." I was speaking super calmly.

"You're right and I'm sorry. I'm not used to this Kira; I don't know the dating rules and I'm not used to having to answer to anyone. I know that I handled this wrong and I apologize. Will you give me a do over?"

I looked at Lea and Jasmine because I wasn't sure. They nodded their heads frantically and they were right; I would give him another chance, but he was on probation as far as I was concerned.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes. "Although I know that you're not giving me the full story. Pick the time and place. You also have to clarify on the day of that plans are still on, preferably in the morning so that I can go about my day accordingly." I got two thumbs up from the girls. "I'm a busy woman and I'm not gonna be running around like a fucking bozo because you don't know dating rules." I said, slightly mocking him, by that point Lea and Jasmine were barely containing their laughter.

"Heard you Kira. Are you free doing tomorrow?" He asked immediately.

"I'm free. Sunday's are my only off days." Which wasn't entirely true, as a business owner, there was no such thing as an off day; something always needed to be done. On the other hand, owning my own business meant that I was in charge of my own hours.


"Aight good, I may or may not have planned a whole makeup date; I was hoping that you would let me apologize." I rolled my eyes, he was so confident that I would let him take me out before we even spoke. "We're going out around one in the afternoon, dress casual because we're going to be walking around." So, the kid could follow directions. "Thank you for the second chance, I'll call you at ten tomorrow morning. And tell your homegirls that they're breathing mad hard."

With that he hung up. The three of us shared a look before broke into a fit of laughter; I couldn't even be embarrassed that he knew they were listening in on the conversation the whole time.

"I like him, he knew that we were here the whole time and still went with it." Lea noted when our laughter finally died down.

"I agree, he just went with the flow and he immediately made moves to rectify the situation. We're staying over by the way, this Jason guy isn't going to miss out on our interrogation." Jasmine stated, I'd figured as much by the way that they'd been mainlining the bottle of wine; I wouldn't let them leave my home while they were barely conscious.

"That's fine. You both know where the guest room is." I teased and almost immediatly felt a pillow hit me in the head after the words.

"Guest room? We're sleeping with you. Don't be fucking rude." Lea whined in the most dramatic fashion; I wouldn't have expected anything less.

"You're crazy Le, and I'm starving. I think it's time to order something to eat." Jasmine said as she scrolled through her phone. "Thank god we didn't actually have to boycott Gianni's because I could go for their Margherita pizza right about now." She laughed as she dialed their delivery number.

"I want a large chicken pesto pizza!" Lea added, I eyed her skeptically at the request, knowing full well that she'd never be able to finish it on her own.

"Get a large Margherita and we'll share Jazzy." I told her as I left the room to get us some bottled waters.

When I reentered the room, Lea was asleep and Jasmine was on her phone. "I know that girl isn't sleeping." I sat the bottles down on the bedside table and got back into bed.

"She's down for the count girl." Jazzy chuckled, moving Lea's hair out of her face. "She was telling me something about having a giveaway on the Lavish Instagram page and then she fell asleep." Jasmine said as she scrolled through her phone. "It's just as well because a giveaway sounds a little too generous after the money that was spent on that building. Maybe we can do a sale to get rid of the rest of our spring inventory instead, but we'll talk about it tomorrow, now is not the time to be making plans like that."

I agreed with her. "How would you feel about being a real partner in the business? Lea and I have been talking about it, but I know that you have dreams of being a designer."

Jasmine threw her phone on the bed so she could give me her full attention "I would love that so much, I've actually been thinking that I could work on items that would be exclusive to Lavish." I could tell that she had given the topic some thought, "I was planning to come to you both with a full proposal after I graduated, I know that I wasn't there from the beginning, but I really can't imagine doing anything else."

"Aw Jazzy, it doesn't matter if you weren't there from the beginning; you play a major role in Lavish regardless and Lea and I are forever indebted to you." I hugged her again.

Her phone started to ring, "The food is here but we'll talk about this on Monday when everyone is awake." We both side eyed Lea's sleeping form.

"Yeah definitely, let's go eat." I replied, I thought about what tomorrow would bring and I hoped that Jason wouldn't waste my time again.

This better be worth it....

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