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-good people, good vibes

"I'm so excited to move in! I'm already picturing all of the things that I want to do with the place." Jazzy clapped her hands together, her mouth was set in a wide grin which only made me return it.

"I can't either! Whatever you come up with is going to look great babe, here you go." I handed her the keys to the condo and hugged her tightly. Jazzy had been on the hunt for a new place to live while I was mulling over the idea of moving in with Jason; everything fell into place after that. My condo had everything that she wanted, it was already paid for and I felt better about her living in it than a complete stranger. The elevator doors opened, and we walked towards Jazzy's new condo.

We stood outside for a couple of minutes before Jazzy seemed to snap out of a daze, "Girl, I'm stupid. I was waiting for you to unlock the door this whole time." She giggled and unlocked the door.

"You're goofy." I chuckled as we went inside; all of my personal items had already been either moved to the loft or in storage which only left some basic furniture. "Aw, it's so empty in here." I hadn't lived in the condo for that long, but it was the first place that I got on my own; seeing it bare was a little bittersweet.

"I know, Yasir said that you owe him an appointment with a chiropractor." Jazzy laughed, our brothers had joined forces to move my things out while moving Jasmine's things in. I hadn't been back to the condo since three weeks before when everything had been cleared out; I moved into Jason's place with little to no hesitation and was loving every part of cohabitation, even the annoying parts.

"It's been three weeks, I'm no longer responsible for his injuries." I checked the time on my phone. "We just need to get the measurements of the guest room, right? Because we're already late." Mine and Jason's combined groups decided to form a 'workaholics anonymous' where we couldn't use our phones; the only rules were that we had to relax and have fun. Jason and I were hosting a game night at the loft-our loft- and it seemed like Jazzy and I would be the last ones to arrive.

"Yup, I just need to see how much of my design stuff can fit in there; hopefully I won't be at the warehouse or the office until three in the morning anymore." Jazzy sighed, a large part of her need to move was that she needed more space; her previous apartment had been overrun by prototypes, fabric and various miscellaneous items which she swore that she needed. "You're not attached to that couch, right?"

I shook my head and followed her to the guest room, "I was planning to donate anything that you didn't want." Jason's place was already fully furnished and I figured that donating the furniture would put it to the best use.

"Love that. Let's go with that because I don't think it fits with my bohemian vibe." Jazzy added, we started to take measurements of the room as quickly as we could. We both rushed out of the building and into my car when we finished and I tried to get to the loft as fast as the speed limit would allow.

When we finally arrived, there was a tray waiting by the front door for us to leave our phones on; I laughed at Kev's three phones which he had rubber banded together, he liked to keep things "separate" so he had a business line, a family line and a "hoe" line. The man was a mess but it added to his lovable character. Jazzy's eyes fell on what I was laughing at and she rolled her eyes.

"That man is a mess." She chucked her phone onto the tray as did I and we walked towards the voices in the distance.

"I don't know, he might be onto something. A phone dedicated to just business could come in handy." I shrugged, I wasn't sure about the "hoe" line though. The rest of the gang was sitting at the dining room table with drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces; spending time with my friends was a far better use of our free time than going out to a club, I appreciated being around people that had good energies because it allowed for the most fun with the least amount of drama. "Hello beautiful people!" I went around and gave everyone a hug and Jazzy did the same.

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