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A hole was burned into the floor where I was pacing; it had been nine hours since I last saw Jason and my attempts to contact him had been futile. The last time I saw him was when he told me to use his car to drive myself home from his parents' house; I was confused but complied nonetheless. His phone was going straight to voicemail and I didn't know what to do. After the first hour I decided to take his keys and drive to the store to kill time; I was hoping that there was a logical explanation as to why he didn't tell me where he was going but my mind could only dream up the worst case scenarios. Was he cheating? Probably not. Was he hurt? Possibly. Would he wish that he was hurt if he came home like nothing happened? Most definitely.

It was four in the morning when Jason finally strolled in; he completely bypassed me and went straight to the bathroom. That morphed my worry into anger, was he insane? I followed him into the bathroom and saw that he had taken his shirt off and was washing the blood off of his knuckles. I examined him from where I was standing; making sure that he wasn't actually hurt, his face was as perfect as the last time I saw him and it looked like only his knuckles were bleeding. I let out a sigh of relief and my anger dissipated temporarily.

"What the fuck happened?" I crossed my arms across my chest and impatiently tapped my foot as I awaited Jason's response. The dickhead had the nerve to look amused at how pissed off I was.

"You not gon' get anymore flowers; let's leave it at that." Jason sighed and then kicked his pants off in preparation to take a shower

I looked around the room for who the fuck he thought he was talking to because I knew that it couldn't be me. "Try again buddy, what the fuck did you do?!" I kept my distance because I didn't want to even get the urge to slap him upside the head; that wasn't going to solve anything.

Jason groaned and turned to face me; he was in nothing but his briefs; I was so annoyed with him that seeing him like that didn't even entice me. "We went to see the kid; took him down a notch or ten. He got treated like the bitch he is and now it's settled." Jason shrugged and took his boxers off.

"Who is this we? You jumped him over some flowers Jason?" I put myself between him and the shower; his nonchalance was only annoying me even more.

Jason sucked his teeth. "I punched him a couple times and he got stomped out but only after he started talking crazy to me. All that matters is that he's on his way back to Atlanta and he ain't gon' bother you no more." He blew out a frustrated breath and clenched his jaw. "Baby can I just shower? It's been a long fuckin' day." He pinched his nose bridge and sighed.

"No, the fuck? You got me fucked up for real right now Jason!" I couldn't believe he did that shit. "I know you said I wasn't taking that shit seriously but you definitely overreacted! Do not get in that fucking shower Jason!" I shouted at him as he tried to side step me.

"You the one overreacting Kira. Just relax." He said to me. That was all I needed to prove to myself that this dumbass never had a girlfriend before; telling a woman to relax when she was visibly angry was never a smart move.

"Relax? RELAX?! My nigga is you smokin' crack? You disappeared for NINE MUTHAFUCKIN HOURS and declined all of my calls. Then when you finally show your face you ignore the fuck out of me and go straight to the bathroom. I was in this bitch going insane trying to figure out what happened to you and you come in here with blood on your hands telling me to relax and shit." I stepped away from him like a flip switched in my brain. "You know what? Go take ya fuckin' shower cause you ain't even listening to me."

Jason grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, "Baby I'm sorry, I ain't mean to make you worry."

"Get the fuck offa me Jason." I wrenched my hand out of his grip and marched out of the bathroom; being sure to slam the door on my way out. Pissed as I was, I made a promise that I wouldn't leave if one of us was upset so I grabbed a pillow and some blankets from the closet so that I could sleep on the couch. There was no way that I could sleep next to him and not kill him so I had to remove myself from the situation.

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