.something to think about

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MONDAY came by pretty quick, leaving Margaret and Anne almost no time to enjoy their free days

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MONDAY came by pretty quick, leaving Margaret and Anne almost no time to enjoy their free days. But they didn't mind. The morning was like an ordinary one at the Cuthbert's household. Marilla and Matthew silently finished their eggs and toast while the girls were in a rush to get going. The trip to school was very short, if a person walked there it would take them about ten minutes. But Anne and Margaret liked to take their time,taking stops to admire the view or sit and talk. So they always went to school one hour before it started.

Today was no different. The girls were on their way to the schoolhouse when they spotted a big pile of leaves.

"Look, Margaret! There's your new bed!" laughing,Anne pushed the blonde with all her might,causing her to let out a scream and fall in the pile.

"Why you little!" laughing, Margaret shook her head to get the leaves out of her hair when she heard a familiar chuckle behind her. Turning around, she spotted Gilbert and Lily smiling at her.

"Margaret Brown. What in heck are you doing?" walking closer towards the blonde, he extended his hand to help her get up.

Taking his hand and getting up, she let him ruffle her hair and take out the leaves and pinecones.

"Maybe you should ask Anne-" turning around her gaze searched for a pair of fiery red braids,but she couldn't find them."-hey, where's Anne?"

Surprised, Gilbert turned around himself and spotted the two girls walking towards the schoolhouse. They were laughing and pushing each other around. Chuckling to himself, Gilbert took Margaret's chin in his hand and turned her head towards the girls.

"Thank God, I thought she disappeared somewhere." taking her books from the ground,she started walking down the path covered in fallen leaves,Gilbert following right next to her.

"So..." scratching the back of his head, Gilbert looked at the girl.

"So?" grinning ,she gave him a quick glance before fixing her gaze on the two girls in front of her.

"I was thinking-" Gilbert's sentence was cut in half when another voice echoed trough the forest.

"Margaret! Gilbert! Wait up!" Diana was hurriedly walking towards the pair, standing right between him, and giving Margaret a worried look.

Glaring at her, Diana pointed a finger at Gilbert, raising her eyebrows.

Confused, Gilbert also glared at Margaret, pointing a finger at Diana and furrowing his eyebrows.

Margaret threw her head back and clutched her books tighter, giving Diana a side hug.

"Now my dear Diana, I had a little talk with my friend Gilbert here-" poking his arm, she wrapped hers around his neck and brought the two closer to her face,whispering "-about the Ruby situation."

Turning around as if she was checking if anybody's listening,she returned to the conversation.

"-And I'm sure he'll do something about it. As. Soon. As. Possible." giving them both a firm pat on the shoulder ,she released them and continued her route to school.

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