.a weekend drink

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE it's finally Saturday

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE it's finally Saturday." Anne sighed while chewing on a piece of toast.

The Cuthberts were having their usual breakfast: toast, eggs and tea. Anne was up bright and early, already finishing her plate. On the other side, Margaret was still in her pyjamas, her plate untouched. With her head in her hand,she seemed absent,but that's just because she was daydreaming about the yesterday's events including Gilbert Blythe.

"What should we do today,Margaret? I was thinking about riding horses. Oh,or we could ask Diana to come over! Maybe we could take a walk down town... Hey, Margaret? Margaret!"

"What? Oh, sorry Anne. What were you saying again?" the blonde took her toast, biting into it, while turning her attention to Anne.

"What's up with you? You've been silent ever since yesterday!"

"Oh, it's nothing." she thought about telling Anne, but she hesitated due to Marilla and Matthew being present in the room "-i'm just glad it's finally Saturday, is all..."

A few minutes of silence passed before Matthew spoke up "If you want to go somewhere, I told Jerry to pack and go to the market to shop some things. You could go with him."

"Of course we'll go Matthew! Come on, Margaret, let's get dressed!" the redhead excitedly pulled her best friend away from the table before storming into their shared room and getting dressed.

Anne wore her usual brown dress and a white overall dress on top, paired with some white socks and brown boots. She put her hat on and happily descended down the stairs, soon followed by Margaret. She had on exactly the same outfit as Anne, excluding the white overall.

They put on their coats and they were out the door just as Jerry was about to leave.

"Jerry! Wait up!" Anne shouted after him, and the boy gladly helped her get on the seat.

"Good morning, Jerry. How are you today?"
Margaret gave the boy a side hug before opening the wooden gate.

"I'm good, merci. How about you?"



"So, what did Matthew put on his list?" Margaret curiously took the piece of paper from Jerry, examining it. Anne was right behind her, scanning the paper with her blue eyes,before saying:

"Just usual stuff... eggs..flour.. potatoes.. Oh! Cherry juice? I love cherries! We'll go get that first." giving the paper back to Jerry, Margaret turned around looking around to see if any store sold juice. "Um.. Jerry, you can lead the way!"

"Over there, madame." he pointed to an old store with the sign Liquor shop on it.

"Great!Let's go!"


"This cherry juice looks amazing. Oh, I wish I could try it right now!" Anne was holding a wine bottle in her arm, trying to get it open. Margaret was sitting on the bench beside her, they were both waiting for Jerry to buy the potatoes.

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