.friends or frenemies?

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MARGARET was sitting in the store that Lily works in

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MARGARET was sitting in the store that Lily works in. Yep, you heard it right. Lily as in Lily Rose, Anne's soulmate, Gilbert's younger sister figure. Since she didn't particularly like school or anything that comes with it, she decided it would be best for her to start working somewhere. It was tough but with loads of convincing, a kind woman named Sarah employed her to be her assistant at a cafe nearby.

Margaret didn't really like the crowd, but when Lily asked her to come with her this one time, she did. But instantly regretted it. Why? Oh, you'll see.

She was currently sitting next to the wall, a book in her hands. Suddenly a figure approached her, sitting opposite from her. She didn't lift her gaze even though she noticed a presence that was sitting near her. It wasn't until the said person coughed when Margaret lowered her book,acknowledging them.

Her eyes went wide when she saw who the person was. Rubbing her eyes with her hands, she blinked a couple of times before speaking.


"Hey, Red." Billy Andrews. What on earth was he doing here.

"I told you not to call me that!" Margaret said, picking her book up and standing up to leave. But was soon stopped when she felt a hand grasp her wrist.

"Wait! Stay." Billy said, his eyes looking for her own.

Finally turning around to face him, she answered "And why should I?"

"Because I want to apologize. And you have to be present for me to do that." he chuckled, finally releasing her hand.

"Fine. You have twenty seconds."

"That isn't nearly enough time."

"Well I guess you'll have to speed it up, then." sitting down so she was facing him, Margaret put her head in her hands and her elbows on the table in front of her.


Billy just smiled before saying:

"Look, I know I've acted like a... well... a jerk. But I just did that to scare you off, I didn't really want you to, you know... hate me. So I guess I-"

"You have thirteen seconds left." Margaret said, smirking.

"Well let me speak then! Wow, woman. Anyways, I wanted to make it up to you somehow, so if you ever need anything, just say it. Anything." he said, his eyes scanning her face which showed no emotion whatsoever.

"Alright, time's up. See you around, Andrews." Margaret said, taking her book once again and standing up to leave.

"Aw come on, I'm trying to be nice here! And you're making it very difficult if I do say so myself!" Billy stood up, walking after her.

"Stop yelling, we're inside a cafe, if you haven't noticed. There's people here."

"Then let's talk outside."

"Why should I , Billy? All you ever did was bully me. Why should I listen to you?"

"I'm trying to change. And apologize. To you and to the orph-" Billy started, before noticing the angry glare Margaret sent him.

"And to Anne." he quickly corrected himself, making a sad face.

"Alright, I will accept your apology." she said, making Billy smile.

"But only if you apologize to Anne. And she accepts it. That's final from me." smirking, she patted his shoulder when she saw him frown before entering the staff room where Lily was having a break. She was eating some toast Marilla made for her this morning.

"What are you doing here?" Lily said, patting the seat next to her for Margaret to sit.

"Running away from Billy Andrews." Margaret sighed, opening her book on the page she folded.

"That little snitch? What is he doing here?" Lily said, her mouth full of bread.

"Supposedly he came to apologize." Margaret said absently, flipping the next page.

"Ha! Good one! Probably just came to steal some stuff for his Billy shrine." Lily laughed but soon coughed due to bread still being in her mouth.

"Billy shrine?" Margaret chuckled, tearing her gaze from her book to look at Lily.

"Yep, Prissy told me he had a shrine in his room dedicated to himself. What a loon." Lily snorted before taking another bite from the toast.

"What? That is the funniest thing I ever heard!" Margaret said, laughing out loud.

"Oh, God. That's... That's really something!" she continued, wiping a few tears that formed due to her laughter.


"Oh, so now you decided to apologize? " Anne said, looking Billy straight in his eyes.

It was a few days since Billy and Margaret's encounter in the cafe, and Billy finally swallowed his pride and decided to apologize to Anne.

"Listen, I'm truly sorry. I just wanted to look cool in front of everyone, I didn't care about your feelings. I was a prick." he said, waving his hands around.

From the other side of the pair, Lily, Margaret and Gilbert talked amongst each other before Gilbert decided to speak up about the two.

"Hey, when did Anne start talking to Billy?" he said, motioning towards the pair.

Margaret turned around before sighing.

" Billy supposedly felt sorry for hassling Anne and I, so he decided to apologize for, i quote, being such a jerk." Margaret said, making air quotes when voicing Billy's words.

Gilbert snorted at this, leaning close to Margaret before whispering "You don't really think he's serious about it, do you?"

"I know he isn't." Margaret responded, turning around to face Gilbert, "I just want to play with him a little. Show him how it feels."

"Why are we whispering?" Lily smiled as she leaned in and wrapped her arms around Gilbert and Margaret's shoulders.

"We were just discussing our plan." Margaret said, winking at Gilbert. He simply smiled, before nodding "Yep, our big secret plan."

"Ooh, I want to join!" Lily whisper,yelled, jumping up and down.

"Great." Margaret said, rubbing her hands together.

"So, what's the plan?" Lily smiled, nudging Margaret with her elbow.

"Well... we'll be giving Billy's shrine a bit of a makeover." smirking, Margaret looked at Gilbert who had a confused look on his face.

"I'm sorry... His shrine?" he asked.

"You'll see." Margaret said, before the three of them turned towards Billy.

"He has no idea what's coming to him."


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