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"This is insane!" Lola exclaims.

"It also makes no sense," Stella says. "He knows you can still tell your dad."

"It's Cole," I say. "He thinks he can get away with anything."

"He currently is getting away with everything," Lola argues. "Are you seriously still set on going on this date with him tomorrow?"

I was currently rummaging through my closet, trying to find something to wear for tomorrow. Saturday had always been my favorite day, but I was, for the first time in my life, dreading it. And somehow, it was quick to approach.

"I have to," I sigh. "He's threatening me with private pictures," I remind them.

"You don't have to," Lola protests. "You can literally just tell your dad."

"I can't," I tell her. "If I do, I could be grounded for the rest of the summer, or worse, I could be sent back to California early."

"I don't think that's as bad as facing an abusive ex-boyfriend," Stella pipes in.

"I get that you guys are looking out for me," I tell them, popping my head out of my closet, "but trust me, I can handle this."

"Devin," Stella says in a serious tone. "This is ridiculous. Just tell your dad."

"I can't." I stress.

"Why the hell not?" Lola argues.

"Because he'd be incredibly disappointed in me. Plus, Mr. Turner and my dad are best friends, it's not exactly easy telling your best friend that their son is abusive and a sex offender. And if I tell my dad, Cole will immediately make the pictures public."

"You're his daughter," Stella argues. "Just because they're best friends, that doesn't mean your dad wouldn't do anything."

I choose three outfits, lying them out on my bed.

Looking at both of my best friends, I see them staring back at me with an intense gaze. "I know you don't approve of what I'm doing and I know you both think it's stupid, but please trust me."

Just then, we hear a knock on the window. Both Lola and Stella look to the pulled-down blinds, a little startled.

I walk up to the window. "Will you two relax," I say before I pull the blinds away, revealing Calum sitting on the roof. I give him a small smile before opening the window.

"I should've texted you," he smiles sheepishly at me before looking at my two best friends watching us with confused expressions.

"I agree," I say. "You should have, but they already know." Calum lets out a large breath.

"What are you doing here?" Stella asks, all of a sudden.

"She means besides fucking Devin like there's no tomorrow," Lola adds with a teasing smile.

Calum looks at me, a little annoyed. "You told them about that, too?"

"I couldn't leave out the best part," I wink at him, returning my gaze to my outfit choices.

Calum rolls his eyes. "For your information," he turns his gaze to Lola and Stella, "I'm here because I thought she was home alone and wanted to help her prep for her date tomorrow." He says that last part in such a bitter tone I almost smile.

"I told you," I say, looking up to meet Calum's gaze, "I know what I'm doing."

He rolls his eyes once more, "Doesn't mean I'm not going to worry about you."

"If you keep rolling your eyes at me you might find a brain back there," I comment with a teasing smile.

"Did you just use my line against me?" he puts a hand over his chest, acting offended.

"Please," Stella interrupts. "My mom used that line before you were born."

Calum and I turn to look at Stella. Lola's already looking at her. "On who?" Lola asks.

"On Ashton," Stella smiles.

"Before I was born he was two years old," Calum argues, "How could he possibly even know what rolling his eyes meant?"

Stella pauses for a second, thinking. "He was a very sassy two year old," she says.

We all burst out laughing.

Once we calm down, Lola turns to me, "Tell me again why we don't regularly have Calum at sleepovers."

"Because he's a guy," I tell her, matter-of-factly.

"What's wrong with being a guy?" Calum argues, sitting down on my desk chair.

"Nothing," I say. "My dad just isn't particularly fond of you."

"But he's fond of Cole," Calum scoffs.

"I literally made the same argument," Lola laughs.

"It makes no sense, really," Calum says.

"Oh really?" I tease. "How many times have you been to jail?"

"It's just overnight," Calum argues. "Are you seriously taking Cole's side?" He seems annoyed with me.

I walk over to where he's sitting, "I would never take Cole's side over yours." Sitting down in his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him roughly and passionately.

We were hardly deep into any kind of kiss when I heard Lola whisper rather loudly to Stella, "Now we know who has a better stroke game." I pull away from Calum as I burst out laughing.

Once I compose myself, I make a comment, "Did Cole ever even have a stroke game?"

Stella and Lola start laughing. Calum is trying hard to hide his smile.

"What's the matter?" I turn to ask Calum. "Am I not funny enough?"

"No, it's not that," he argues. He lowers his voice down to a whisper, "You sitting in my lap kind of got me hard."

I giggle at Calum's comment, trying to make him sweat. "Should I stand up? Or do you want to do a quickie in the bathroom again?"

Calum, unsurprisingly, joins in on my little game. "Only if it's in the shower this time," he says as he kisses my temple.

"That might take a while," I giggle again, making Lola throw a pillow at us.

"Can you two stop whispering to each other while we're right in front of you?" she says with such sass, it makes Stella giggle.

"Do you mind?" I reply with an equal amount of sass, "We're trying to have a private conversation here."

I pick up the pillow Lola threw at us from the ground and hand it to Calum, standing up from his lap and sitting down on my bed next to Lola and Stella. He places the pillow over his crotch in the most unnoticeable way.

The night continues, and we end up playing a few board games before Calum leaves. He manages to leave just in time, because my dad pulls up in the driveway five minutes later.

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