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The entirety of the next week was spent sneaking around late at night and secretly making out in countless places. Calum and I had somehow gotten even more intimate ever since he'd asked me to be his girlfriend. We just couldn't seem to get enough of each other, and today, as the first day of the weekend, was no exception.

Dad had gone over to Mary's house earlier in the day to meet her ten year old son, and Calum, being told that my dad was out of the house, drove over and snuck in through my window.

"You do realize there's a perfectly good door downstairs?" I teased as I saw him climb in through my window.

"This is more spontaneous and exciting," he'd said. "You should try it sometime." He walked over to the CD player in my room, turning it on and increasing the volume, letting whatever song was on, play.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him, "I'm not entering my own house through the window."

"I guess we'll just have to do other fun things in your house," he says, putting a hand on each of my desk chair's armrest, leaning in and making me slump lower in the chair

"Like what?" I ask, leaning in towards him, still staring into his eyes with a smirk on my lips.

"We could kiss," he suggests, leaning further in, making me feel his hot minty breath on my face.

"And then what?" I ask, still holding that little smirk on my face.

He lets out a low chuckle. "I'm sure you have a few ideas you could guide us through," he says in a low, raspy, and seductive tone, tilting his head and fully leaning in, planting his own lips fully on mine.

I kiss back almost immediately, pulling him in closer as I place my arms around his neck and pull on his hair with my hands.

He smiles as we kiss, placing his own hands under my thighs and, in one swift motion, picking me up off the chair.

I wrap my legs around his torso, letting go of his hair and tightening the grip of my arms around his neck. He sits me down on my bed, hovering over me as I unwrap my legs and lower them onto the bed so that my feet are touching the floor.

My arms trail down his shoulders and onto his biceps, which were more relaxed at this moment than when he was carrying me to the bed.

Calum pulls away shortly, letting me lay down higher on the bed. Once I do, he takes his shirt off, making sure I was watching him as he yanked his shirt off from the back of his neck and pulled it over his head. Once he removed it and noticed I was watching him, probably drooling at his godly appearance in front of me, he smirked, throwing it on the floor somewhere and climbing onto my bed, hovering over me with each hand placed on either side of my head.

He lowers his head down, kissing me once more as I fiddle with the button of his jeans under him.

"What the fuck?!" I hear my dad yell, making both of us jump away from each other. We both look at my dad with panicked expressions, like deer caught in headlights. He wasn't supposed to find out! Not like this! "What is he doing here?!" My dad continues yelling, pointing a finger at Calum as he watches him with an intense glare.

"Dad!" I exclaim, "I didn't know you were going to be home early..." That's all I could think to say. I couldn't possibly think of an explanation for why he had caught Calum in my bed, on top of me, shirtless and kissing me.

Calum looked as scared and panicked as I was, maybe more, because he was frozen in place, too terrified to move closer to my dad and pick up his shirt off the floor.

"Sir," Calum spoke in a shaky tone, "I'm sorry, we were just-"

"You were just what?" My dad spat at him, "About to have sex with my daughter? Is that what you were going to do?"

"No, I mean, I-" Calum was cut of once again.

"Get out of my house, Hood!" my dad yells. "Get out before I get you arrested for tespassing."

"Dad, no-" I try arguing, but my dad wouldn't let me speak.

"Get your ass out of my house before I call your parents," dad continues on with his threats, not willing to hear either of us out.

I knew the situation looked bad. Calum and I looked like we were about to have sex, which would have probably happened if my dad hadn't barged in.

Calum looked at me, and I looked at him, as if he was waiting for me to tell him what to do. My eyes moved from him to the door, and then back, and I was hoping he had caught on to me telling him to get the hell out of there before my dad killed us both.

He didn't think twice. Calum stood up hurriedly and started walking towards the door. In a rush, he picked up his shirt, and once he was behind my dad, turned around for a brief second and mouthed a 'sorry' to me before running out the door and exiting the house. The front door shut as soon as we heard it open.

Dad walks over to the CD player and turns it off, looking at me with a very angry look. He takes a large inhale before sighing. "What the hell, Devin?" he says to me in a calm voice, looking at me with what seems to be disappointment. "Why out of all people him? Was my warning not enough for you?"

"There's nothing wrong with him, dad" I start defending Calum. "I know how this situation looks but I swear it wasn't just sex." I felt the air get awkward between us.

"I told you not to get involved with him," my dad starts again, his voice growing louder once more. "And now you're telling me you've been seeing him behind my back?"

"Calum's been nothing but nice to me," I raise my voice. "You said it yourself, he's a good kid, he just got involved in the wrong things."

"Devin," dad sighs once more, "I only said that to put it nicely."

"Bullshit. You know he's not a bad person."

"Fine, maybe he is a good kid," dad gives in. "But you don't need people like him in your future."

"Why not? Why can't I be the one to decide that?" I argue.

"He's not good for you!" he yells. "You're going to college this September! You can't afford someone holding you down there! I can't have you ruining your future over some boy."

"Like you would know what's good for me!" I yell back. "What you think is good for me is utter bullshit! You know why, dad?" I look at him with narrowed eyes, "Because what you think is good for me is Cole, and I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but for most of the time during which Cole and I were together he abused me mentally and emotionally as well as made me do things I didn't want to do. Cole's the prick that made this bruise on my wrist which you asked about the other day. So stop telling me what's good for me!"

Dad stares at me and his eyes slowly grow wider. What was previously in his eyes had been replaced by fear and realization.

"Cole and I didn't break up because I was leaving at the end of the summer," I explain. "We broke up because it was a toxic relationship you knew nothing about because I didn't want to bad-mouth your best friend's son."

My dad stood there silent, watching me as I watched him silently back. Tears were building up in my eyes, but I wasn't going to let them fall and show him I was weak, not when he had just kicked Calum out.

I inhaled a large breath. "Now if you would kindly," my voice cracks, "get out of my room."

And with a shocked expression and realization on his face, dad walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him, letting me break down in peace.

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