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Lunch was incredibly delicious. "Now I know where you get your cooking skills from," I tease Calum. "That mac n' cheese is still my favorite ever dish." Mali and I burst out laughing.

His parents did seem to warm up to me even more. "You're always welcome to spend dinner with us again, Devin," Joy says, smiling at me from across the table as we ate dessert.

"Thank you," I say, smiling back. "What was this again? It's amazing," I say, referring to the food.

"It's chocolate lava cake," Mali explains. "I'm glad you like it."

"Did you make it?" I ask.

"Duh," she says. "If it were up to Calum he'd make us mac n' cheese for dessert." We laugh again.

"I feel attacked," he says as he takes a spoonful of ice cream with his lava cake, making Mali and I laugh harder.

Soon enough, it was time to leave, so after sitting around the coffee table in the living room and having small talk, I decided to get up, just as Joy offered dessert seconds.

"I'm sorry," I say as I stood up, "but I have to leave. My dad is expecting me home."

"Are you sure you can't stay for one more dessert helping? Or just for some juice?" Joy offers.

"I'm sorry," I repeat. "I really can't." I give her an apologetic smile.

"Alright then," she smiles back at me. "As long as you come over for lunch again soon."

Calum stood up, probably waiting to walk me to the front door.

"She'll be back," Mali says. "Calum will drag her here if nothing else."

I giggle, Calum frowns. "I really don't like the two of you ganging up on me," he says, making me laugh even more.

"I like her," Mali shrugs. "It'll probably happen a lot more," she teases her brother.

Calum groaned as he started walking to the front door, I followed close behind. "It was nice meeting you," I turn around one last time, giving his parents and Mali a smile. "And thank you for having me."

"Of course, dear," Joy says, standing up to hug me. "We look forward to seeing you again."

I smiled after we pulled away, waving at them and walking to the front door where Calum was already standing.

"Thank you for inviting me," I tell him in a hushed tone, standing in front of him and going on my tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses back, leaning his head down.

"I'm really glad you came," he says to me with a smile. "I uh, actually wanted to take you somewhere?" he says as more of a question, with an apologetic smile and furrowed eyebrows.

"I really have to go home, Cal," I look up at him. "My dad wants me to meet his girlfriend."

"I know this is a lot to ask," he starts, "but I'm only asking for two hours. I might have reserved something special for us." He gives me a pleading look, and my sorry ass couldn't say no to his big brown eyes.

I groan. "Fine," I say, agreeing, "But next time, tell me in advance."

"I promise I will," he gives me a big smile, kissing my lips once more before running to the stairs. "Wait here!" he says, already halfway up the stairs.

When he comes back, he has two helmets in his hands. Handing me one, he opens the front door. "Put this on," he says. "We should hurry, we can't be late."

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, already following him out the door, putting my helmet on in the process.

"It's a surprise," he says, reaching out to close the door behind us. "Mum! Dad! I'll be back in a few hours," he yells before closing the door and walking down the porch steps in a hurry.

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