Dating Dally Headcannons

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- Was way too confident when asking you out
- Seriously
- He just kind of "were goin' out tonight, I'll pick you up at eight."
- You didn't disagree but you thought it was a little intimidating
- Partying at Bucks
- Only with Dally though
- He's too protective to let you go alone
- Lots of sleep overs
- You have to lie to your parents a lot
- "I'm going to my friends house for the night!"
- You're the only person he's kind of soft around
- He doesn't say I love you unless it's a really special occasion
- He sneaks into your room all the time
- Lots of making out
- He always acts annoyed when you want to cuddle
- But secretly loves it
- "Doll"
- Y'all are like a new Bonnie and Clyde
- If you're a bad girl like him:
- Drinking together
- Playing lots of strip poker
- Getting high together
- Chainsmoking until three in the morning
- Lots of fighting
- Seriously
- You two are constantly at each other's throats
- But then you always make up
- A lot of the times with sex
- If you're a good girl unlike him:
- You always pouting when he gets into trouble
- Not being able to watch the rodeos because you're so scared he'll get hurt
- Crying when he goes to jail
- You being a good influence on him
- Him getting annoyed really easily because you always hold him back from doing dumb shit
- Lots of fighting
- You getting out of the car because you're so mad
- Him yelling that you're ridiculous
- Him not apologizing
- But still making up with you
- Anyways, back to normal without "if you're a"
- He goes from hating PDA
- "I've got a reputation, doll."
- "Don't hold my hand. It looks stupid."
- To loving it
- He's all over you
- Not even in a super cute way
- His hand on your waist
- Or around your shoulder
- He still doesn't like holding hands
- Him giving you his leather jacket but being a dick about it
- "You should've brought your own jacket, now I'm going to be cold."
- "Idiot kid."
- Jealous Dally
- Normally it's not so bad
- Because his ego is enormous
- But around someone like Sodapop it's bad
- Not because he doesn't trust Sodapop
- Just guys like him
- He's all over you when that happens
- Kissing your neck
- Or lips
- He's always ready to fight
- And he always wins
- Sonetimes he pulls a knife on the guy
- And then you guys have to skiddaddle
- But afterwards he still acts all mad and broody
- And flirts with other girls
- Which makes you mad
- Which leads to fighting
- But in the end, make out sessions
- And going home to have sex
- Which by the way is super fucking rough
- Man he just pounds you
- Leaves bruises on your hips and ass
- Hickeys in the most visible places
- Pulling your hair
- Multiple orgasms
- Him always wearing a condom cause "fuck kids"
- And him always pulling out
- Afterwards he smokes
- You wear his shirt
- Sometimes cuddle him
- He takes a while to cuddle back
- You encourage him to quit smoking
- He doesn't take you seriously until you threaten to leave him over it
- And then he gets worried
- And tries to quit
- But it makes him really irritable
- Still he would never lay a finger on you
- He doesn't have that many morals but that is one of them
- He doesn't talk about you to his friends (Johnny) unless he's really drunk
- And even then it's just, "man she's got me so whipped"
- He's such an ass ninety eight percent of the time
- But you still love him
- And he still loves you
- Even though he constantly tells you that you're a pain in the ass

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