Friends with Benefits (Part 2) - Dallas Winston (angst)

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Bodies swish and sway around you, some of them in more clothes than others. The alcohol swimming in your veins does nothing to keep you from watching the door, willing him to come.
It's dumb, you think. It's stupid and dumb and ridiculous.

 As a girl in a white shirt and jeans that are far too short crashes into you, it's not the beer that spills all over your chest that wakes your senses. It is the smell of smoke on her tanned skin, marijuana or cigarettes, your brain can't quite comprehend. As your eyes close, you dream for just a moment that it's him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She says, a drunken smile spreading across her face as she helps you up from the floor.
"Don't worry about it," you slur. You're drunk. So as you stumble through a sea of bodies to the bathroom, you toss the dark empty bottle into the nearest trashcan.

You love being drunk in the washroom. Maybe it's the sudden change from the dimness, or perhaps the muffled noise that makes it feel like a different room. So you stare in the cracked mirror and you look like a mess. A drunken mess, no less.

But he didn't show up. It's the one thought you can still savour. He didn't show up, so you get to be drunk and stupid and maybe go home with someone else tonight.
You feel better after that.

As your eyes scan the crowd for a cute guy to talk to, your eyes snap up to the sound of the door opening and there he is. Tall and dark and Dallas. He nods a wicked grin to Buck, who claps him on the back and leads him in.

For a moment, everyone else disappears. Time stops. It is only you and him, staring at each other with uncertainty. Dallas who used to smile and dance with you whenever he saw you here, looks cold and distant. When he brushes past you, you breathe in the cologne and smoke that he always smells like. You can almost imagine how his lips felt on your neck, how his hands felt on your skin...

It's not long before you grab another beer. If you're here — if he's here, you need to be drunk.

"Y/n!" You didn't even realize he was so close until you hear his voice.
"Dallas," you say. You think it sounds icy but the buzz in your brain makes it hard to tell.
"How uh.. how are you?" He takes a big swig of whiskey, standing next to you. He doesn't dare look at you.
"'M fine."
"You're drunk."
"So it makes you look stupid."
"Funny coming from you." Seeing Dally again sobered you up some, but not enough.
He gives an icy chuckle, "You don't get to be a bitch right now."
It's you that whips around to face him. "And why is that?"
"You ended things with me, remember?" He lights a cigarette in his hand.
"Like you cared."
"I do care."
"Why, 'cause you miss fucking and getting high together?" The bitterness seeps into your voice as your arms fold over your chest, staring at the partygoers, so blissfully unaware of the mess that is you and Dallas. 

He stares for a moment before he speaks again."Somethin' like that."

There's a long moment of silence before he speaks again. When he does, he's out his cigarette out and has grabbed your wrist. "C'mon, we're dancin'."

You object immediately, but he's much stronger  than you. He manages to drag you into the crowd, but the second he lets go, you walk away, no longer stumbling.

"Jesus Christ." He mutters under his breath, taking another big swig from his bottle before he hands it off to someone you don't remember the name of.
"Y/n!" He calls after you as he follows.
It's quieter now in the hall.
"Fuck you!" You snap back at him.
"You're acting like a goddamn child!"

You've passed the bathroom, there's nothing left but empty hallway. Bucks bedroom is always locked, so you lean against the door futilely. Dal won't let you go until he gets what he wants.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He snarls.

You roll your eyes, "Fuck off Dally."
"Why'd you end things with me?" His voice is quiet now and he won't meet your eyes as he picks at his nails.
"Answer the question."
You hesitate, "because I'm in love with you."
His head snaps up to look at you. His jaw locks and he has that look on his face that sends most people running.
He walks away. Again.

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