Dating Darry Headcannons

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- Him not really asking you out
- You two just sorta started hanging out in a casually romantic way
- After a few weeks he called you his girl
- Which unofficially made it official
- You bake for him all the time
- He secretly loves baking so he helps
- You make him dinner when he comes home tired
- He's not an ass about it
- And always says thank you
- Never just expects it
- Dances with you a lot
- It's one of the few times when he looks his age
- Just a twenty year old having the time of his life
- When you met him you were kind of intimidated by his cold eyes
- But whenever he dances with you they light up
- You giving him shoulder and back massages
- Him kissing your hands
- You might be a soc
- And in that case you wear cute night gowns to bed
- Which he loves
- He finds them hot
- He always smells like wood, soap, cake, and denim
- a weird combo but it's actually really good??
- He wears reading glasses
- And reads before bed
- You two don't really cuddle at night
- Other than maybe holding hands
- He's like the dad of the gang
- So you become the mom of the gang
- "Boys! Smarten up!" When they're roughhousing too much in public
- But you always lighten up Darry's life
- There's not so much pressure on him all the time anymore
- Darry doesn't get very jealous
- But when he does he just sort of makes it very clear that he's your boyfriend
- Like kissing your face
- And hugging you
- Keeping a hand on your lower back
- And then when the guy leaves, him saying all sexy like, "You're mine, baby girl."
- The first time you called him daddy, you were sassing him
- "yes, daddy." You said while rolling your eyes.
- His eyes widened at that
- And he cornered you
- "What did you just say to me?"
- That night was rough as hell
- He pounded you
- Left bruises on your hips
- Hickeys all over your chest
- he has freckles
- Mostly on his chest and stomach
- The rest are on his nose and cheeks
- He hates them
- He wants to be a manly man™
- He thinks they make him look like a child
- You love them though
- you kiss his stomach all the time because of them
- He is not into public sex at all
- He likes to keep the bedroom stuff private
- He's not really into PDA either
- Like, he'll hold your hand but that's really about it
- Sometimes a kiss
- He doesn't really hug you in public
- He rants about Ponyboy to you
- You calm him down
- He never cries
- The last time he cried was in front of his mother
- But Darry cries in front of you when he's under a lot of stress or he's really frustrated
- You're closest with Sodapop and Johnny out of the gang
- Ponyboy sees you more as a big sister than a mom
- No one could possibly replace his mom
- You bake apple pie a lot
- That's Darry's favourite
- He looks like a little child eating apple pie
- It's high key adorable
- Never in a million years would you expect Darrel Shaynne Curtis to be scared of Thunderstorms
- But he is
- When he was little he would cry and hide under the covers with his mom
- But now he just winces
- And his breath gets a little shaky
- But you always calm him down
- You're his heaven
- He talks to Soda about you
- He tells him that he's going to marry you
- Soda and Pony love you

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