(Requested) Birthday Promise - Soda

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Soda was always a true romantic. So when it came to your birthday, after dating for three and a half years, he couldn't resist going all out.
The diamond wasn't very big, but it cost a few paychecks. It was still more than he could afford and he knew you would love it.
     So with slightly rosy cheeks and big grin on his face, he made the purchase and then began his walk home.
     The house was. A. Mess.
     The gang knew it was your birthday, so they expected to have to tidy up a little bit, seeing as they all knew you were coming over and Darry would loss his mind if it wasn't at least a little nicer looking than usual.
     So they cleaned up. And again, it wasn't much but it was noticeable.
     "Alright, I'm gonna go pick her up." Soda declared, happy as a lark. Not only was he going to see his super pretty girlfriend, Darry was letting him borrow the car.
     While he was away, the other started putting their gifts for you on the table. None of them were wrapped, well actually, one was. It was the box of chocolates Two-bit stole for you, surprisingly. Among that, a switchblade from Dally, a copy of 'Gone With The Wind' from Johnny and Pony (they payed together), and assorted gifts from others.
     You were surprised to get there and find none from Soda. You weren't upset, but it surprised you a little. Chips and a movie and presents... From everyone except your boyfriend.
     Rather than dwell in it, you all decided to start the movie.
     It was a romantic comedy, that most of the boys seemed to like. You didn't know exactly what it was called, but you were enjoying g the cliches.
      And then a proposal came. And suddenly, your place in Sodas lap felt a bit awkward.
Until he gently pushed you off, and knelt to the ground. "Now it's not as fancy as a proposal, but um," He has this nervous little stutter that the other boys are grinning ear to ear at, "Its just sort of a promise. Y'know, that we'll be together for when that comes."
     You're already in tears, much to the chagrin of everyone else, when he pulls out the ring.
"Oh, Soda. I love it. And I love you." You pull him in for a kiss, and resume your place on his lap. Now with a ring on your finger.
     The other boys happen to think it's hilarious and don't stop making fun of Soda until he hits Steve in the back of the head. Two- bit was playing it off as making fun of you, but he was crying too. Ponyboy was too, but he wanted to look tuff so he'd never admit it.

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