Dating Ponyboy Headcannons

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- Y'all met at school
- He was nervous as fuck
- He didn't stutter though, he was just real awkward
- You laughed it off
- You two cuddle a lot
- Pretty innocent in the relationship
- Kisses are slow and sweet
- He stares at you a lot
- He reads to you
- He gets scared of horror movies
- You don't
- The gang is always teasing him
- He talks to Soda about you the way Soda used to talk about Sandy
- He talks to Johnny about you too
- But he acts more tuff when it's with Johnny (not much, just a little)
- Holds your hand lots
- plays with your fingers
- And your hair
- Lots of cheek kisses
- And forehead kisses
- Y'all lost your v-cards to each other
- He was all nervous and didn't really know what to do
- Really romantic and passionate
- (modern) Texts you bad poetry
- (modern) Sends you long emotional texts
- Rants to you about everything
- Wants to run away with you
- Hugs you a lot
- You wear his hoodies a lot
- He lights up like a Christmas tree when he talks to you
- Gets really excited about books
- You get nervous when he goes to rumbles
- But you patch him up and kiss his knuckles and cheeks
- You're the really Cute™ couple
- You're really close with Johnny
- Darry acts like you're part of the family
- Soda teases you two
- Y'all go on long walks/jogs together all the time
- He has freckles
- All the curtises do
- Darry has the least, Soda has the most
- Ponys are mostly on his arms and face
- You two argue about the grease in his hair
- You don't like it
- But he does
- The two of you don't fight often
- But when you do it's bad
- It's a screaming match
- You run out crying
- He slams the door
- You two broke up once because of it
- But he begged for you back
- You two love romantic movies
- Especially the Notebook
- He will not admit it but he loves the notebook
- Y'all don't sneak out to see each other
- He's tried to but he always gets caught
- (modern) He's Tumblr famous
- (modern) Eventually does a face reveal
- (modern) And becomes a YouTuber
- He doesn't let you walk alone
- He's scared of socs too but there's not a chance in hell that he'll let anything happen to you
- He likes to draw you
- (modern) He sends you gifs
- He doesn't sing often but when he does it's surprisingly nice
- He quits smoking because he knows you hate it
- He let's you put make up on him
- He looks Fierce™
- he lets you paint his nails because he's soft
- He hates crying in front of people but cries in front of you
- Always telling you cheesy pick up lines
- (Modern) watches Disney movies with you
- Low key makes you kill spiders
- Loves cats
- (modern) Thinks vines are stupid but secretly watches them
- You two are hella goofy with each other
- He sasses you all the time
- He pops a boner at the littlest things
- literally when you bend over
- Sometimes when you kiss him
- You're low key scared he's going to cheat on you with Cherry
- Because she and Pony are good friends
- And she's so pretty
-  (modern) Yall listen to really obscure music
- (modern) And a lot Linkin Park
- (modern) And Good Charlotte
- (modern) Basically just really edgy but not super emo
- (modern) You make him watch Soapy shows
- (modern) They're his guilty pleasure
- He cups your face when he kisses you
- Lots of 'I love you's
- (modern) Loves conspiracy theories
- "baby"
- "princess"
- "dollface" (He may or may not have stolen that from Dally)

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