Gone - Dally/Johnny

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Time stops. So does your breathing. Your vision is blurred, there's a distinct ringing in your ear, and and you're shaking.
     They're dead. There's no bargaining you can do, no hope, nothing you can do to change it.
     They're dead.
     They're dead and gone and they're not coming back.
     Oh how it kills you, how it eats you up and destroys you from the inside out.
Johnny, so sweet and so loyal. So brave. Johnny, who sacrificed himself for kids he didn't know. Johnny who killed someone to save his best friend. Johnny Cade is dead. In a way, you think, his death is easier. When Johnny died, he told Ponyboy to stay gold. When Johnny died, he was at peace. You can almost justify his death. Almost come to terms with it. Almost.
     It's Dally's that's a little bit harder. He died angry and devastated. And it's killing you now to think about it. You never got to kiss him, never got to whisper a goodbye, never got to tell him you loved him. He died thinking that the only person who really loved him was gone. He got what he wanted, the most cynical bit of you thinks. You call him all sorts of names when you visit his grave, because you're so fucking angry at him for leaving you. But it doesn't take away the pain.
     And nothing really does.

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