A summary of your relationship

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Sodapop- Warm summer days and sweater weather in the fall. It is driving around all day with your hair blowing in the wind. It is cherry flavoured lollipops and bright smiles. Loud laughter and sweet kisses. It is cuddling up on the couch with hot cocoa. It is carving jack-o-lanterns and falling in love all over again every single day. It is flour all over the place as you bake and forehead kisses in the morning. It is easy and warm.
Dally- It is cold metal brushing against warm skin, breath on your neck and hair being pulled. It is leather jackets and clinging to each other desperately. It is screaming at the top of your lungs and laying in a field at night. It is watching the stars and dreading the morning. It is red strobe lights and smoke heavy in the air. It is impaired vision and stumbling into bed. It is intense and dangerous.
Ponyboy- It is wool hats and scarves, mittens and hot chocolate in hand. It is highlighter on important quotes in your copy of 'Romeo & Juliet'. It is warm hands and nervous first kisses. It is hands in your hair and freshly baked cookies. It is reading together and playing board games. It is simple. It is soft and sweet. It is the glow of a Christmas tree covered in lights and frosting on your lips.
Darry- It is the way he holds your hand and eating green apples. It is dancing slowly in the kitchen, pretending just for a moment that life is easy. It is kisses on the cheek and cool metal of a ring on your finger. It is the innocence of watching as everything begins again in spring. It is two coffees prepared every morning and brushing your teeth together. It is so domestic and pure, it is easy and happy.
Two-bit- Pumpkin spice and warm beer. It is joy and laughter in spite of darkness. It is a casual love, not difficult. It is romance novels and jokes. It contrasting and different, maybe a little dysfunctional, but it works. It is Irish coffee in the morning and being carried like a princess. It is gently poking fun at each other. It is bright lights and exciting rides at a carnival. It is the smell of a McDonald's at two am and all at the same time, the feel of a Starbucks in the afternoon.
Steve- It is denim and the smell of oil and grease. It is singing along to the radio despite not knowing the words. It is starlight and climbing in and out of windows. Short shorts and sun burns at the beach. It is sarcasm and pointing fingers and giggling. It is the sound of chocolate cake being opened in the early hours of the morning. It is toothy grins and ferocity. It is rough and soft all at the same time.
Johnny- It is shaky hands and tears falling into your hands. It is hands running through hair and desperate hugs. It is the screaming in the middle of the night. But it is also the warm summer breeze and the biggest smile you've ever seen. It is getting flowers and the warm summer rain. It is pop leaving your mouth feeling slightly sticky. It is falling asleep on the couch and breakfast in bed. It is devoted and gentle.
Cherry- It is lipstick marks on your collar and sleep overs. It is passionate kisses in the dark of night. It is hands on skin and heavy breathing. It is sharing clothes and secretive smiles. It is mascara smudged and foggy windows. It is also knitted sweaters and holding pinkies. It is passionate in the best and worst way. It is never boring but healthy. It is fun and complicated. It is the ever-so-careful touches in the dark.

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